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Chapter 15~ The note
Erika in mm
*Friendly little note so please don't skip*

So I just want to thank you ALL for the helping me get to 1.13k reads, 152 votes, and 77 comments. It overall just means alot because I never gotten this far let alone gotten a single vote or comment before this. So now that I did it it makes me want to write more and give more plot twisters to keep you wanting to get me farther.

So again thank you so much for the love and support and comments that make me laugh. THANK YOU SM.
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Now let's get into this



I sipped my orange juice as my doctor walked in. I have been up for at least 30 minutes now and I felt so weak and exhausted. I didn't know what happened after the moment I got shot or who shot me. Just that I was thrown across the stage after wrapping myself around Quavo's body.

"How do you feel Giselle?" My nurse asked.

"I'm breathing." I smiled and he chuckled.

"Well that's good." He smiled back, "But I wanted to tell you about some of the things you aren't currently aware of."

I nodded, "So you were shot three times, had two seizures, and minor heart problems."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Oh wow. Do I have any permanent damages?

"No which is good but we did have to remove your left kidney but you can live with just one effectively. And lastly, while the kidney removal we found out that you were 20 weeks pregnant and the baby died during the impact." He informed.

"What?" I said as my voice broke.

"I'm sorry for your lost." He said sincerely.

"Yeah uh its fine." I shrugged as tears fell down my face.

I just wish Quavo was here with me to tell me that everything was okay and there was always tomorrow.

"Did a guy with dreads come with me?" I asked.

"Yes but he ended up leaving." He said, "And left this." He handed me a note with his name on it.

"I got to go but I'll be back to check on you." He said as she got up and walked out.

I looked at the note,


Dear Giselle,
I think we can both can say that we had good times, good laughs, and good intimate moments. I just want to let you know that your the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on and I mean that. But I'm not a man nor am I built to carry so much worth that you have within yourself. Even at my attempts I failed myself and you.

I failed to make you feel beautiful and to make you feel safe. I failed to communicate and be there when you need me. Not only am I too of a coward to tell you this face to face but to have jumped infront of them bullets.

But I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for teaching me that there is more to life, more depth within a person, more to care for. You shined light on me that have never been shined on me before. You let me in and trusted me so deeply with your darkest demons and insecurities. And I took that and threw it behind me for someone who only sees dollar signs and a easy way out.

You looked deep within me and found something that I didn't know was there. You made me starve for something I never was hungry for and kept me wanting something I never wanted before. And I thank you for that. I came into your life to help you but in all reality you helped me. And I love you for it.

Kept shining Giselle and keep being the light in people's lives. And please don't come to me and try to change my mind, this is for your own good.

-Sincerely Quavious

I quickly wiped my tears and folded back up the paper. I couldn't believe that Quavo would just leave me after all this. I wasn't mad at him or was I going to hold a grudge. I didn't ran on that stage for no reason I knew the risk but I didn't wanna watch either. I looked around the room for my phone and found it right next to me.

I picked it up and clicked Quavo's contact. But he didn't answer so I called again, and again, and again.

"Fuck Quavo. Just answer." I said wiping my tears.

Myself~ Please just answer Quavo.

Myself~ You leaving isn't for my own good because I want you here. I love you just make some communication. Just talk to me please.

Myself~ pick up your phone and just tell me you don't care anymore that you don't want anything to do with me.

Myself~ Please I'm not mad at you so please don't be mad at me.

I called him again and this time it went straight to voicemail.





I declined Giselle's call, I didn't want to talk to her. I wasn't right for her so was worth to much for me.

Erika looked up at me, "Who callin' you."

"Nobody important." I said throwing my phone.

I grabbed a condom, "Come here."

I chuckled as she did as she climbed ontop of me, "What you doing with that?"

"Puttin' it on dafuq?" I said opening the wrapper.

She put her hand around my neck and pulled a gun out on me, "I'm not dumb, I know what this is. I want you to nut in me so you can't get rid of me."

I looked up at her in shock, I was doing everything wrong. I was just making things worst for myself.

"Look I anit havin' no gyal kids." I said.

"I'm tired of you continuin' to run back to Giselle. I want ya and ya need me so I suggest if you don't wanna die today you go raw dog." She smirked at.


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