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Chapter 12~ Confessions
Giselle in mm

"Here you go Elle." Erika said handing me a naked.

"Oh you know me so well love." I said taking it.

"Yeah I make sure they keep them here for you." Erika said sitting next to me.

"Them jawns bout nasty as hell." Offset said scrunching his face up.

"No these are best things ever." I said defending myself.

"First of they definitely not, they green anything green is nasty." Erika said defending Offset.

"But you like collard greens." I rose my eyebrow.

"Don't play collard greens." She said emphasizing the don't.

I rolled my eyes as I took a sip and they looked at me with their faces scrunched up, "Come on it's really good."

"It's a green fuckin' smoothie." Erika kept defending their case.

"Try it." I said handing it to her.

She took the bottle and began to examine it with an scrunched up face. Offset watched her with his face scrunched up as well and I couldn't help but laugh, "Fix y'all damn faces."

Erika took a sip and her eyes widened, "Damn this jawn bomb." Erika said taking another sip.

"You a trader." Offset said shaking his head.

"Come on Set, don't do me like that." She said handing me the bottle back.

Sometimes I get the vibe that they have a thing for each other. They act more of a couple than her and Takeoff do.

"Nah you post ta' stand with me on this." He said joking.

"Ard I'm sorry." She said laughing, "Ayo when he leave lemme get another sip of dat jawn." She whispered to me.

I laughed, "Mhmm." I said while sipping the smoothie.

"Where Take?" Set asked.

"He with Marc." Erika responded.

I rolled my eyes when she said his name, he made me sick because he was so petty. After the whole Quavo thing he had the audacity to try getting with me. Like I don't have no type of respect for him, he acts like a bitch to be honest.

"Don't be petty." Erika said chuckling.

"I'm not being petty." I shrugged.

Just then Quavo came running down the stairs. I sighed and grabbed my stuff, I didn't want to see him. He keeps doing dumb shit that I can't stand, he just keeps fucking up and doesn't expect me to be mad about it.

"I'm gonna go." I said walking towards the door.

"Can you stop with the da petty shit." Quavo said following me.

I stopped at the door, "Get away from me." I put my hand in his face.

He smacked my hand, "You can't keep runnin' from me."

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