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Chapter 19~ Snakes in low grass
Giselle in mm

There was silence through out the room and I couldn't take it, it was giving me anxiety.

I stood up and turned on the light and looked at everyone, "What the fuck are we doing? Why can't we just kill them already?"

Everyone looked at me, "Giselle calm down." Clarence said.

"No, this is taking forever and my stomach is killing me and my pills are at my house." I complained, "Ugh."

I slid down the wall, put my head in my hands, and began to rock back and forth. Unfamiliar voices began to play in my head. Deep, dark voices, almost speaking in unison.

"Your gonna die."

"No one loves you. Your worthless Giselle, your worthless."

"You deserve to die."

"Quavo only feels sorry for you, that's way he took you in."

"You should just kill yourself that will make everyone happy."

The voices kept repeating and repeating putting me on edge. Where was this coming from? And where were these thoughts coming from? I've never thought about any of these before only that I'm gonna die.

"Your a sorry excuse of an human being."

"Not even your own birth parents loved you."

"You don't know that. You don't know anything about me." I whispered back to myself.

Dark laughs began to fill my head, as if someone or something was laughing at my response.

"What's funny? What's funny huh? You don't know anything about me!" I shouted.

The laughs grew louder and louder. I felt trapped in my own mind, my own thoughts.

"Worthless, worthless, worthless, worthless human." The voices said.

"You'll burn in hell just like your birth parents." The voices said followed by more dark laughter.

"No I won't!" I shouted as I jumped up.

I grabbed one of the glasses of the table and threw it on the ground. I quickly picked up a piece.

"You can't hurt me, you won't hurt me!" I shouted placing the piece close to my wrist.

"Woah woah G, you good." Quavo ran over to me.

I was breathing heavy as I dropped the glass in his hand, "Quavo I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I began to cry.

He wrapped his arms around me, "Don't be it's okay." He rocked me back and forth.

"Yo do you think we should still finish off Christian?" Raymond asked, "I mean look at her."

"No I want y'all to do it, all this started after he shot me." I started, "I want him dead." I reassured everyone.

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