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Chapter 7~ Secrets
Shamoy in mm
*I've decided to change the title because I thought of more conflicts that had to do with the family than conflicts with Giselle*
*Lastly, Quavo and Giselle aren't really having a date "Necessarily" they are just meeting at Giselle house.*

Have you felt like the people closest to you tend to hurt you the most? Or that it doesn't matter how much you give of yourself to someone they still manage to break you? Well I do, that's how me and Thalia's relationship is. She talks down on me to make herself feel better. She takes my flaws and throughs them in my face so I remember that I'll never be as good as her.

So, you ask, why do I take this? I take it because I love her fiancé, more than she does. Something about myself that tends to destroy me is the fact I have attachment issues. So when I'm finally able to attach to someone I can't let go. Me and Shamoy started off as friends, I'm actually the one who introduced them. But one day I was so fed up with Thalia so I just slept with Shamoy to get revenge. I had everything planned out but it fell through when Violet began apologizing.

I couldn't tell her what had happen so I just kept it between me and Shamoy. But I found myself in their bed again while I was waiting for Thalia. So ever since then me and him have been seeing each other secretly.

I took a deep breath and walked up to Thalia's door. I'm hoping and praying that Thalia isn't here because that would be awkward. I knocked and the door swung open, it was Shamoy.

"Hey baby girl." Shamoy pulled me in.

"Hey." I said as I trailed off.

He shut the door behind me and smiled, "What's up?"

"We need to talk." I paused, "About us."

"I told you I will leave Thali for you when the time is right." He said.

"I don't care about that. It's something else." I said lowly.

"What is it?" He asked putting his hand on my thigh.

"I'm pregnant." I looked up at him.

"By me?" He asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "No by Jesus, of course you."

"Why you telling me?" He asked.

I instantly became upset, I was pregnant by my sisters fiancé and he acting like he isn't affected.

"My sister already knows your sneaking around with someone." I stated.

"She gonna take my word over yours." He chuckled, "He don't trust none of you bitches."

"Oh okay, so how will you explain the multiple panties she found?" I asked.

"That's something I'll think about when I get to it." He responded.

I rolled my eyes as tears fell down my face, "You gonna have to get an abortion."

"I'm not going to abort our baby." I said shocked, "If you don't want it that's fine but I refuse to kill another human over my mistakes."

Behind the scenes  *DISCONTINUED*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt