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Chapter 11~ Making up.
Selena in mm
*Hey so I found some time so I'm going to upload two chapters, Enjoy*

I jumped off my couch to answer my door, "Who is it?"

No one answered and I furrowed my eyebrows. No one had called me to say they are coming over so I didn't want to just swing the door open. They knocked again and I sighed.

"Who is it?" I asked again.

This time they knocked harder and I jumped back. I opened the door and someone wearing all black walked right in. I looked at them and noticed a gun was attracted to their hip. I looked back up at them noticing their eyes never left my face. I did the first thing that came to my mind, run. They moved quicker than me and grabbed onto my hair and swung me onto the ground.

"Who are you?" I shouted.

They chuckled and someone walked in, "Giselle." A girl said.

I didn't recognize her so I didn't respond, "I don't think we formally met before, I'm Selena." She stuck her hand out.

I looked at her hand then back her, still not recognizing who she was or how she knew me, "You best talk bitch."

"Who the hell are you?" I asked her.

She laughed at my question, "See I felt like you would ask that and I'm here to introduce myself. I'm Selena and you have something of mine." She said.

She nodded at the man in all black and he whipped his gun out. I put my hand over my heart and instantly began to think that this was the end. Tears began to fall down my face as he brought the gun closer to my head. I balled my fist into the tightest ball and closed my eyes tight. I didn't know these people or what I had to do with them. I felt so defensiveness, no one to help me out this situation.

"Don't cry now." She said laughing, "Leave Quavo alone and we won't have a problem."

"I don't want him!" I shouted at her.

"Oh watch it love if you want to see another day." She said teasing me, "Now leave him alone and I won't have anyone hurt him or you, deal."

I looked up at her, what choice did I have? I didn't want to die and I didn't want him to die either, "Deal." I mumbled.

"Can't hear you lil bitch." She said.

"Deal!" I shouted.

She smiled ear to ear, "Great. I'd hate to have to kill you and him, so be careful." She said.

She stepped over my legs as well as person with the gun. They walked out of my house leaving the door open behind them. I jumped up and ran to lock both locks then walked back to the couch because my phone was ringing.

"Hey bitch." Erika joyfully.

"Erika, someone just came in my house named Selena telling me stay away from Quavo with a gun to my head." I said short of breath.

She sighed, "I knew this shit was gon happen."

"What was going to happen?" I asked confused.

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