Chapter 25

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'Do you have any clothes I could wear?' Paulette asked Sharon. They were about the same height but Sharon was a little slimmer.

'Go look in my wardrobe,' Sharon said as she got herself dressed.

Paulette looked for her most loose fitting clothes, finally settling on a summer dress. It was more beach wear but at least she could get it over her chest. She felt slightly envious as Sharon pulled on some tight fitted pants, no way could she get into anything like that now.

'So where's Louis taking you?'

'I'm not sure,' Sharon said sounding a little anxious as she finished putting her makeup on. 

Paulette followed her downstairs. 'Are you okay?' she asked thinking Sharon was strangely quiet. After she'd imparted her news she'd expected Sharon to take charge and be offering her advise left, right and centre. She almost wished she would.

'I'm fine,' Sharon said glancing at the clock, it was just past one. 

'Looks like Louis has stood you up,' Paulette teased.

Sharon simply nodded. 'I guess he has.'

'I was joking!'

Sharon opened her mouth to reply when there was a knock at the door. 'That had better be Louis,' she muttered and Paulette followed her to the door. She was surprised that Sharon actually breathed a sigh of relief as she let Louis in, much the way she did whenever Johnny turned up for one of their dates.

'Hey,' Louis said. 'I got you these.' He handed Sharon a bunch of flowers and her face broke into a broad smile.

'Oh wow, you didn't have to.'

'I wanted to. Are you ready?'

'Yeah, let me just put these in some water first.' She took the flowers and went through to the kitchen with Paulette at her heels.

'So what did you do to deserve those?' Paulette demanded, trying to keep the envy out of her voice.

Sharon flushed. 'I don't know.'

Paulette suddenly frowned. 'Hey, you won't tell Louis my news will you?' She didn't want Johnny hearing from anyone else.

'No of course not,' Sharon said. 'So long as you tell Johnny yourself, today.'

Paulette scowled at the ultimatum but she knew she had to face it. Now her mom, Stephanie, and Sharon knew it was only a matter of time before word got out.


Sharon held Louis's hand as they walked into Frosty's Palace. She couldn't believe she'd convinced herself he was going to stand her up, it was all Paulette's fault. If she hadn't turned up on her doorstep like that, practically forcing her to throw Louis out, they could have spent more time together. Then she wouldn't have been torturing herself imagining he'd moved on to the next girl.

'I feel a bit mean leaving Paulette by herself,' she said but she hadn't wanted Paulette to encroach on their date either.

'Why's she even at your place?' Louis asked.

'It's a long story,' she said waving her cigarette holder before launching into the tale.

Louis's eyes widened. 'Whoa, and Johnny doesn't know?' 

'No, I told Paulette she'd better tell him today. If he calls her house he'll soon find out anyway.'

'But what if he turns up at her house?' Louis asked a deep frown on his face. 'He'll be in for one hell of a punishment.'

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