Author's Note- Zen

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Just.... Wow.

I don't even know how to thank you guys enough for everything you've done for me. I know I've said this before, but it it weren't for you guys voting and commenting on this book, I would have stopped before I even really got started. I would have just lost all of my confidence in my writing and quit right there. But I didn't, thanks to your support. And for that, I am extremely thankful and grateful and I love you guys with every bit of my heart.

I came up with I'll Be Superhuman in September, a bout a week after the first time I saw This Is Us. But it wasn't the Teenage Dirtbag scene that really got me inspired to write this story down. I had seen the work of Amelia the Artist on a 1D Facebook Fan Page. For those of you who don't know, she's the one that made the pictures of the boys on the cover of my book.

I looked at the pictures and all the scratches on their skin and the determined looks on their faces and one of the first things I thought of was "Wow, this looks like an amped up version of The Adventerous Adventures Of One Direction!" And then I started thinking that in this picture, these boys haven't been fighting Lord Faptiguise (no clue how to spell that name lol) and they haven't finished a battle with Mega Fan. They have fought a real live bad guy. They have been through Hell and back in this picture.

And as I thought this, I started getting images in my head of the boys fighting some weird giant robot in the streets of New York City and I'm like "Damn, someone needs to make a comic book of this!" I can't draw. Like... Even my stick figures look pathetic and I had been hoping to leave this image of Superhero 1D at that. I was just going to let some other talented artist create their own story to this.

But I just couldn't.

Why were they fighting? How did they become heroes? What lead them up to that moment in New York?

I was plagued by these thoughts immediately and in about 10 minutes, I had sent the picture to my friend and was like "Something needs to be done about this!!" And told her the few, tiny ideas that nagged the edges of my mind.

By the end of the day, I had most of the boys' back stories figured out and had decided to tell them out of order just for the dynamic.

I told a couple co-workers of mine that I wanted to write a superhero themed book. But the thing was, I didn't really know how to write about heroes like that. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE superheroes, but I had only watched a Superman movie or two and the Hulk in my entire life time. One of my co-workers told me she had a million DVD's and I could borrow them for the weekend. I watched everything from The League Of Extrodinary Gentlemen (Sean Connery is a legend!!) to all of the Avengers individual movies leading up to the Avengers movie itself. (Seriously, Captain America or Thor need to marry me now!)

I came up with the idea for Mr. X from that old hate account on Twitter. I'm not sure if this was really real, but the account had made some pretty serious death threats to the boys and then at Madison Square Garden, I had seen people tweeting like crazy that there was a girl with a gun near the front row. A little while later I had seen she was arrested and was Mr. X. I'm not really sure if that was all true, but it was a pretty good inspiration/refrence for my book.

I remember watching the Fantastic Four and seeing Dr. Doom. He was so narcisistic and self centered and totally in love with himself, it was, like, PERFECT! I had actually thought the movie sucked a lot, but Doom rocked and I couldn't get the image of a silver masked villian out of my head. He was so sadistic and scary and amazing at being the bad guy, but I couldn't figure out why he would be wearing the mask.And there was something down right frightening about the way this man carried himself. He was so cocky about the way he worked, there was something in the back of my mind like "This man could totally destroy the world with just his charm..." I still hadn't even figured out what the X would stand for, but all at the same time it crashed down on me. He would be a partner of Simon's who had been done wrong and was seeking revenge by destroying the experiments they had made together. He would have tried to conduct his own experiment on himself because HE wanted to be all powerful, but it ruined him and now he couldn't even show his own face.

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