Over Protected ~a Matt Espinosa fanfic~

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My names Jake, I'm 15 years old, and yes, I am a girl. I'm pretty good at sports and I'm pretty competitive considering I have an older brother. If you're wondering, my older brother is Taylor Caniff, one of the Magcon guys. Taylor is my bestfriend and I can tell him basically everything. We can agree on anything, except when it comes to guys. My older brother, who seems chill over the internet, is SUPER over protective. I can't even go near a guy without Taylor threatening to beat him up. So Taylor is pretty much the only reason I am still single. I could've had loads of boyfriends! (Not that the relationships would've lasted that long anyways, but still). He's gonna be pretty mad when he finds out that I like one of his friends, Matt Espinosa.



My alarm clock shook and screamed at me to get up. I rolled over lazily and slapped the snooze button only to go back to sleep for like, 3 more minutes before I was woken up once again, not by my alarm but my older brother, Taylor Caniff.

"Jake wake up it's your first day of high school!" He yelled into my ear.

"Eeeww", I groaned and turned over, pulling the sheets over my head. I would be starting high school as a sophomore since I had been homeschooled from fifth grade up until now. Taylor was going into his senior year.

"C'mon! C'mon!" The next thing I knew, Taylor was jumping up and down on my bed screaming.

"Ugh get off!", I said laughing."Why do you care so much anyways?"

Taylor stopped (fortunately) and sat down next to me.

"I don't know. I just wanna see you make some friends. You deserve the experience of high school."

"I heard high school sucks, so to be honest I don't want the experience." I sat up grumpily.

"It won't. I promise." Taylor got up and headed out of my room. "I'm gonna go get ready and stuff."

I sighed and got up out of bed. If high school was gonna be as good as Taylor said, I might as well make the best of it.

I jogged down the stairs after I had gotten dressed. I was wearing Nike Elites, black soccer shorts, a tye dye shirt (hand me down from Taylor) with my soccer sweatshirt over it and my hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Go make yourself some cereal, I've had a late night." My mom grouched at me.

"Thanks mom." I said sarcastically.

Taylor barged down the stairs with his nike elites, a tye dye shirt and black shorts with a bandanna in his hair.

"Go change." We automatically said together when we saw each other.

"I'll go put on a sweatshirt if it makes you happy." Taylor smiled slightly.

"It will now go." I shooed Taylor back upstairs.

"So mom, who do you think I'll know at high school?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"What makes you think I'll know?" She laughed cruelly.

"Gee sorry, just wondering" I muttered.

Taylor rushed down the stairs.

"Jake get your stuff together the bus should be here soon!"

I sighed and grabbed my back pack.

"Ok so let's go over the rules." he said when we got to the end of our driveway.

"Uh what rules? You're seriously not going to tell me how to act at school right? I'm 15 Taylor, I think I know how to behave." I did not have time to listen to his rambling.

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