T h i r t y F o u r

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Harley's mom had come back to pick up everyone to take to Hannah's. Cassie was gushing about Jack and how cute and similar he was to her.

"Jack? What's his last name?" Annabeth asked all of a sudden.

"Um, I'm not really sure he never told me." Cassie looked embarrassed.

"Then what did he look like.?" Annabeth stared seriously at Cassie.

"Uh, brown curly hair, dark eyes, likes 80s movies, dances, acts, and he was wearing an American flag tank top." Cassie recalled.

"That's my cousin. Jack Peterson." Annabeth looked alarmingly at Cassie.

Cassie's cheeks went red.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry Annabeth. I can stop talking to him if you like." Cassie spluttered.

Annabeths expression relaxed a little.

"No it's ok! I swear." She laughed a little as Cassie breathed out a sigh of relief.

The rest of the car ride went by fast as we finally arrived at Hannah's.

We all piled out, grabbing our sleeping bags. Hannah directed us to her basement where we would be sleeping.

Once we had settled our stuff down, Harley turned to me smugly.

"Looks like Matt has some competition." She smirked, eerily reflecting the smirk her boyfriend usually wore.

Annabeth gave me a slight look.

Laughing nervously, I gazed up at Harley.

"I just met Timmy." I said bluntly, trying to avoid the comment.

Harley nodded unconvincingly then turned to talk to Kate and Emily.

"You're gonna have to tell them." Annabeth appeared at my side.

"Yea." I forced out.

"Guys I have popcorn!" Hannah skipped over to us holding a bowl of popcorn.

We all gathered around it in a circle.

"I feel like we're summoning satan tbh." Emily stuffed some popcorn into her face.

"Ooh." Kate wiggled her fingers jokingly in Emily's face, mocking an evil spirit of some sort.

Emily pushed them away, laughing.

"Ok guys, I kinda have to tell you something." Annabeth looked around uneasily at us.

"Hmm?" DJ asked with popcorn in her mouth.

"Hayes broke up with me." Annabeth blurted.

We sat silent for a moment.

"Why are my ships sinking?" Hannah whined.

"It was quite stupid really," Annabeth's tone grew annoyed as she spoke ," Nash made him break up with me because he was mad at Cassie for breaking up with him so he didn't want Hayes hanging with "our lot."

Annabeth put air quotes around "our lot".

"That's the most idiotic excuse I have ever heard of." Harley said in disgust.

"It's more embarrassing than stupid. I wanted to break up with him first and I feel vulnerable, which I'm not." Annabeth vented.

"At least Jatt is still going. And Cam and I are pretty good." Hannah swooned.

I looked down at my hands.

"Yea how is Matt?" Cassie asked me.

"Um, fine." I lied which got me a disapproving look from Annabeth.

Over Protected ~a Matt Espinosa fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now