N i n e t e e n

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Who was Jake talking with on the plane? She had posted a picture of her and some guy. A lot of her fans and followers had asked if they were dating. I sure hoped that they weren't.

I walked by myself to pick up my luggage.

"Hey Matt." I heard someone say, which made me jump because no one had talked to me for the whole ride.

I looked over to see Carter waving at me.

"Hey Carter-" I stopped and saw Jake fist bump the guy who she was sitting next to and my heart dropped.

Carter looked over at where I was looking and sighed.

"You miss her don't you?" He glanced back at me.

I nodded.

"What you did to her was really stupid you know." He said.

"You don't understand. I had to do that." I looked at the ground.


"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I shook my head.

"You can tell me anything." Carter said sympathetically.

So I told him the whole story of how Kira was gonna hurt Jake if I didn't dance with her. How she had made me kiss her.

Carter just listened and nodded, which I appreciated.

When I was done, he sat there and thought.

"I believe you. But I don't know how she's going to believe you. Or if Taylor or any of the guys are either. You're gonna have to gain their trust back. The guys will be easy but Jake and Taylor will take some time to forgive you." Carter finally spoke.

"I really hope I can get her back. You don't understand how hard these last few days and weeks have been." I walked over to the luggage checkout with Carter in tow, and picked up my bags.

Getting her back was gonna be a lot harder than expected.


When we finally arrived to the hotel, I saw Caitlin and Brent waving at us.

"Guess what?" Caitlin said excitedly.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"We're gonna be roommates!" She squealed.

"Yay!" I hugged her.

"We share one room and Brent shares the other room with Taylor. I don't know what's happening with the other boys but they're staying in the same hotel." She explained.

I nodded and we headed up to our hotel room.

On the way up, someone bumped into me.

"Sorry!" The person apologized and I looked up at them.

When I saw who it was I gasped out loud.


"I-uh- I got to go." I stuttered and sped walked away.

"Jake wait!" I heard him call after me but I didn't stop walking until I reached the elevator.

Caitlin caught up to me right before the elevator doors closed.

"He's such an idiot." She said and rolled her eyes.

I nodded but kept quiet.

"Hey, Shawn and I are going shopping in Times Square later, wanna come?" Caitlin asked.

"Sure sounds like fun." I said.

I wasn't really in the mood to shop but it would probably get my mind off of things.

When we arrived to our room, Caitlin and I ran inside.

"Woa! This is so cool!" Caitlin yelled.

It was cool. Our room was huge. There were two king size beds, a huge bathroom with a jacuzzi tub, a big fridge and a balcony with a view of Times Square.

I climbed on my bed and started to jump around, Caitlin did the same.

"You two are so immature." Brent smirked from our door, along with Taylor.

Quickly, I jumped off and Caitlin frowned at him.

"Ew go away." She said and he stuck his tongue out at her.

"I wanna jump on the beds too." Taylor complained.

"Nooo." I groaned but it was too late.

Brent and Taylor had barged into our room and were jumping on our beds.

"Take off your shoes so you don't mess up my bed!" Caitlin yelled at Brent and he laughed.

"No can do baby sis." He chuckled.

"I'm only younger than you by a year." She rolled her eyes.

Taylor threw a pillow and it hit my face.

"Ow Taylor!" I instinctively put my hand on my cheek where he had hit me.

I picked up the pillow and threw it back at him, hitting him in the stomach.

Taylor fell down dramatically, pretending to die.

"Oh lawd Jesus please forgive my sins that I have wronged before I die. Please bless my soul. I will never forget the time I- can't- see- the-light." He pretended to choke and sputter, then went silent.

Brent threw another pillow at him and screamed, "PILLOW FIGHT!"

Before I knew it, it was every man for himself, throwing a pillow at the nearest person and dodging whatever came close to hitting them.

This went on for about 5 minutes until we were all out of breath.

"Truce." Taylor gasped.

"I second that." Caitlin wheezed.

"Third it." I coughed.

"Then I guess I'm the winner cause you guys are losers!", Brent said smugly, "Bow to your new queen."

Taylor hit him with a pillow and Brent fell off the bed.

"Oooww." He whined from the other side of the bed where he had fallen.

"I'm definitely bowing to the queen now." Caitlin said sarcastically, making me laugh.

"Shut up." Brent clambered up from behind the bed.

They finally left, leaving Caitlin and I to unpack.

When I was done, I relaxed on my bed, waiting for Caitlin to be done unpacking her suitcase.

As I sat there I recalled bumping into Matt earlier. He had called after me asking me to wait.

What could he of possibly wanted?

Half way to 3k! So some good brother sister moments in this chapter. I need to add more of those I think. Anyways thanks so much for this many reads! -Jane

Over Protected ~a Matt Espinosa fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now