T h i r t y S e v e n

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Jakes POV

The next morning I woke up grumpy from being awoken at 1:00 in the morning and being greeted by Taylor.

I left my hair down and changed into sweat pants and a long sleeved tye dye shirt.

"Hey Jake." Taylor grinned apologetically at me as I walked downstairs.

I nodded at him and started to spread peanut butter on my sandwich for school.

"I'm really sorry." He tilted his head to look at me.

"I know. I forgive you." I said honestly.

I had thought about this conversation all last night. I decided I wanted everything back to normal, how it was before high school, before boys, before drama.

"Woa really? So we're cool?" He asked, astonished.


"Fantastic." He grinned and hugged me.

"Just don't let it get to your head." I pushed him away from me and smiled.

"I won't." Taylor promised.

The conversation at the bus stop was much happier than it would've been.

"I'm going to a lacrosse game tonight for my friend." I said casually, considering Taylor was in a good mood.

"Who's?" He asked as equally casually.

"He's a new friend." I studied Taylor to see if he would show any signs if disapproval.

But he only nodded and smiled quickly.

The bus arrived and I hopped on, Taylor followed me.

As I sat down in an empty seat, happiness that I had never experienced flooded my emotions. I don't know why I was happy, I just was.

I gently shoved my earbuds into my ear.

1983 by Neon Trees now played.

It was so upbeat and it matched my emotions well.

When I got off the bus, Harley was already waiting for me.

"Hey." She greeted me cheerily.

"Yo." I smiled.

"Hey Harley." Taylor waved as he walked by us with one of his friends.

"Uh hi." Harley frowned slightly.

I looked at her questionably.

"I've decided I don't like that whole 'Magcon' group." She replied.


"Cause I think they're fame obsessed and cocky teenage boys." Harley said simply.


I did see her point.

The guys did get annoying and rude at some times. Especially Nash and Taylor.

But they were family and I had to respect that they were only teenagers and that they would "learn someday".

Still, that didn't give them an excuse to be rude.

"Come on. It's almost time for class." Harley tugged me towards the building.

Aiden was waiting out by our lockers, looking guilty and frustrated.

"Hey Jake." He said.

"Hi." I replied, wondering if he was still mad at me.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you. You didn't do anything and I was having a bad day. I can't use my personal problems as way to scream at other people." Aiden shoved his hand in his pockets.

"I totally understand, I forgive you. Thanks for apologizing." I grinned.

"Cool. Thanks Jake." He grinned back.

"Now that that's solved, let's go to class." Harley sighed in exasperation.

"Are you annoyed with meeee?" Aiden whined and bumped into Harley jokingly.

"I just thought that it was stupid that you got mad at her for such a dumb reason." Harley avoided Aiden's next attempt at shoving her.

Aiden pouted.

Harley ignored this and kept walking.

Aiden ran in front of us and blocked our way.

"Aiden let me get to class, I'm going to be late." Harley glared at him.

"Not until you say you forgive me." Aiden crossed his arms.

"Aiden. Let me get through." Harley tried to walk around him but he blocked her way each time.

"Say that you forgive me." Aiden raised an eyebrow.

"Fine, I forgive you. Now let me through." Harley sighed.

"Do you love me?" Aiden stood his ground.

Harley rolled her eyes.

"Do you?" He pressed.

"Yes. Aiden I forgive you and I love you." Harley said convincingly.

"Love you too Harls." He put his arm around her and kissed her cheek.

"Idiot." She laughed, giving in.

"Off to class." Aiden smiled.

"Off to class." She smiled back.

Hey I'm back! Sorry this isn't much, just a filler. I'll update as soon as possible. Thanks for 84K while I was off! Oh and to everyone who hadn't listened to 1983 by Neon Trees, I highly recommend it. -Jane

Over Protected ~a Matt Espinosa fanfic~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin