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I headed off to school the next morning excited and happy. I was gonna have new friends.


I settled into my seat behind Matt and next to Hayes when I got to math class. I realized that Harley and Caitlin were in honors math with me and I waved to them.

"Hey." Matt smiled at me as I say down.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"I was wondering if you weren't busy tonight because maybe you would want to hang out?" Matt looked at me and I could feel butterflies arousing in my stomach.

"Um-uh." I stuttered. Suddenly, the butterflies turned into a feeling of disappointment.

"I can't. I would love too, but I can't. I have soccer practice tonight at Jay Park and i usually stay afterwards to perfect what we learned." I sighed and looked down at my hands which were in my lap.

"Oh, I understand. Maybe a different night?" Matt looked upset but then shook it off and smiled at me.

"I would love to." I looked back up at him and our eyes met.

The butterflies came back and I blushed then looked away. I wasn't allowed to like him.


I was upset that she wasn't available tonight, but that feeling was easily replaced by the excitement and pleasure of being able to hang with her tomorrow.


Math class ended and we headed out to 2nd period, ELA.

"I saw that little moment you and Matt had." Caitlin and Harley had caught up to me in the hallway. I'm guessing that they were in ELA with me too.

"Uh-huh. Don't think we didn't, cause we did." Harley smirked then they both made kissing noises at me.

"Shut up guys." I turned red and looked around to see if Matt had heard them.

"So you do like him?" Harley asked but luckily I was saved from answering that question when a boy came up to Harley and slung his arm around her.

"Hey Harls." He said.

"Aiden! What's up?!" Harley smiled and looked up at him.

The boy Aiden was a little taller than she was, and wore black elites, sneakers, shorts, and a black under armor sweatshirt. He had brown hair that was cut weird but looked ok on him.

"Nothing, just wondering if you wanted to go to homecoming with me?" He pulled out flowers from behind his back and smiled.

"Aw!" I exclaimed.

"Yes! That would be awesome!" Harley took the flowers and grinned.

"They're such a great couple!" I whispered to Caitlin.

She looked at me.

"Oh they're not a couple. But they should be. Harley and Aiden are best friends and they both like each other, but Aiden's to scared to ask her out and she doesn't think that he likes her back." We looked over at both of them. They were laughing and talking about something, probably an inside joke.

"That sucks. We need to get them together." I had never been match maker before.

"Nah. Let them work it out." Caitlin shrugged and we all headed into the ELA classroom.


It was finally time for lunch. I searched for Cassie's table and I found it when I saw Hannah waving at me.

"Hey guys!" I said and sat down next to Kate.

"Hey." They chorused.

"Check it out." Annabeth whispered to me and pointed at Cassie.

I gasped when I saw NASH sitting next her.

"Yes! This is great! Are they dating yet?" I giggled and whispered back to Annabeth.

"Not yet."

"Excuse me! Can I have your attention please?" Nash stood up and announced this to the whole cafeteria.

Mumbles erupted throughout the cafeteria with a few screams from fangirls.

"Nash what are you doing?" Cassie tried to tug him down but he ignored her.

"Cassie Dallam?", He yelled looking down at her, " Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend and going to homecoming with me?"

The whole cafeteria went silent, waiting for an answer.

"Yea of course!" Cassie exclaimed.

An eruption of cheers echoed through the cafeteria, with my table and Matt's table being the loudest.

I couldn't help but look over at Matt. He was smiling but he looked over at me and our eyes caught for a moment. He grinned at me and I blushed in response.

There was just something about Matt that made me so relaxed and happy around him.

Ok here's the update I may write another chapter tonight so we'll see. But Aiden is really funny and sweet, so he and Harley are perfect together. And to Caroline, who Cassie is based off of, I hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)


Over Protected ~a Matt Espinosa fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now