the diner

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"Thanks again for getting me this job" I said as bella was driving us to the diner we both now work at.

"No problem, we were kind of short staffed so it was perfect timing" she said before we parked and got out of the car.

Once we got inside the diner I instantly fell in love, it was like an old fashioned fifties diner. I'm definitely going to like working here.

"You must be Madison, here's your uniform, you can change in the bathroom back there" a sweet old woman said while handing me a uniform.

It was also fifties looking, it had red and white stripes and a little name tag with my name on it.

When I came out Bella gave me a thumbs up before she told me which section of the diner was mine today.

I took orders, served milkshakes and burgers, it was actually pretty fun. Then I saw justin walk in and I rolled my eyes.

Ever since we met five days ago he's been all over me, but it's entertaining to see what he'll do next to try and get me. Bella told me he's a major player so it's kind of fun teasing him.

"Hey sexy" he said to me as he sat in my section.

"Are you following me now" I asked while wiping down the table for him to sit at.

"I'm actually on a date but they're not here yet so maybe you could keep me company" he said before placing his hand on top of mine to stop my table wiping.

"You're disgusting" i said pulling my hand away before tucking it in my apron.

"Usually people say nasty or naughty" he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"Can I get you started on something to drink while you wait for your date" I asked knowing I was being watched since it's my first day.

"Just a milkshake for now" he said and I nodded before going to the kitchen to place his order.

When I brought back his milkshake he was sitting with the captains of the cheer squad. AKA those bitches.

"What would you guys like to eat" I asked with probably the most fake smile I've ever given.

"Well you look pretty tasty" justin said before winking at me and I just ignored it.

"Sorry I'm not on the menu, we have burgers though" I said which made bella laugh as she walked past us.

"Aren't you the new cheerleader" the blonde girl said and I nodded.

"You're a cheerleader, that must mean you're flexible" justin said and I just rolled my eyes. I could tell his flirty comments were pissing off the girls.

"Well I'm ashley and this is Lindsay, and we'd like to properly welcome you to the team" the brunette one said before picking up Justin's milkshake and pouring it on my head.

"Hey that's not cool, this date is over" Justin yelled at them as I calmly walked to the bathroom trying to hold in my tears.

I looked at myself in the mirror and cried more. My hair was a mess, my uniform was stained, and I have milkshake in my bra. But the little bit that got in my mouth was delicious.

"I saw everything, are you okay" Bella asked as she came in the bathroom and I shook my head.

"I didn't do anything and they just treat me like shit, I'm sick of it, i hate being the new girl" i cried before she pulled me into a hug not even caring that milkshake was now on her.

"Well they're gone now so why don't we clean you up and get back to work, then you can come over to my place, we'll have a sleepover with Sophia and Oliver" she said and I smiled.

"That sounds nice, I'll ask my mama, I'll just be a couple more minutes, then I'll clean up the mess out there" I said thinking about all the milkshake that must be on the floor.

"I'll clean the floor, you clean yourself, and the boss saw everything happen and doesn't blame you at all, you're fine" she assured me before hugging me again then leaving.

I quickly cleaned up the best I could before walking out of the bathroom to see Justin still there.

"I'm surprised you didn't leave yet" I said as I sat down across from him at the booth.

"I couldn't leave without paying" he said as he slid me a five dollar bill for the milkshake.

"And here's your tip" he said before holding a fifty dollar bill up and placing it in my apron pocket.

"Justin this is too much, you're meal only cost a couple dollars" I said and he just smiled.

"You deserve it for dealing with those girls, I didn't realize they were so bitchy, they definitely won't get a second date" he said and I kind of laughed.

"Thank you" I said before getting up to put the five dollars in the cash register. I guess he does have a sweet side.

After our shift was over bella brought me straight to her house cause Noah told me it was fine and that he'll take care of mama.

"So those bitches really poured a milkshake on you" Sophia asked and I nodded.

We were currently all in Bella's bedroom eating pizza and ice cream while watching movies but mostly gossiping.

"Oh when I see those girls Ima yank their milkshakes right off" Sophia said which made all of us start laughing at the thought of Sophia ripping their boobs off.

"Tell them about your special tip" Bella said before winking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Justin Ortega gave me a fifty dollar tip" I said and Sophia and Oliver's eyes widened.

"Damn why so much, wait never mind, he probably just wants to get in bed with you" Sophia said and I rolled my eyes again.

"He said it was for dealing with the two girls since they were his dates" I said and Oliver started laughing.

"That boy was probably expecting a threesome, that's what ashley and Lindsay are known for, even though ashley has a boyfriend, but he sleeps with other girls too" Oliver said and I was shocked. That's a lot of drama in just a couple people.

"I hate open relationships, they're honestly disgusting, they're probably walking STDs" Sophia said and Oliver nodded.

"So do you like Justin" Bella asked and I almost choked on my ice cream.

"No, just because he gave me a generous tip doesn't mean I'm gonna start liking him, I have more class than that" I said which made her smile.

"Of course you do, oh I just realized we know nothing about your love life, do you got a secret boyfriend down in Cali" Bella asked with excitement and I laughed.

"I've never had a boyfriend before, I'm not really into the whole relationship thing, I'm not a lovey dovey person" i said which shocked them all.

"So have you ever had sex" Sophia asked bluntly and I blushed.

"I've had my share of one night stands and fuck buddies" I said mentally cringing cause I sound like Noah.

"I was about to say, how can a hottie like you be a virgin, you got a nice ass and Tits, that's all it takes to get a guys attention" Sophia said before Bella's door opened.

"Did I hear ass" Bella's brother Jayden said.

"And Tits" Jordan said and bella stood up.

"Get out of here and stop listening to our conversations" Bella yelled before slamming the door on them.

"See, they don't even have to see it, just hear the words" Sophia said and we all laughed.

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