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i woke up in justin's arms for the fifth time this week. it still feels weird that i haven't slept in my own bed but i just can't go home to her right now.

she's called a couple times a day and left voicemails. i don't listen to them i just erase them, even the sound of her voice pisses me off right now.

"good morning baby" justin said in that sexy raspy voice and i smiled.

"good morning" i said back before giving him a little kiss. he then grabbed the back of my head to pull me back and deepen the kiss.

"i like you staying here, it give us a little sneak peak to our future" he whispered into my ear and i smiled.

"ummm i hope our future doesn't consist of us living together at your parents" i joked and he rolled his eyes.

"you know what i mean" he said and i smiled before kissing him all over his face.

"you're adorable" he said after i finished kissing him and i smiled before my phone started buzzing, it was noah.

"hey what's up" i said when i answered it.

"mom and michael aren't home this weekend, you and justin wanna break in the new house and throw a huge party" he asked and i could tell by the look on justin's face he heard.

"ya that sounds fun, who's gonna watch drake" i asked and i heard noah smile.

"i got it all covered, Khloe, bella's mom said she'll watch him for the night" he said and i smiled.

"alright sounds fun we'll be there around eight, tell everyone to bring swimsuits too" i said before we said goodbye and hung up.

"looks like we're throwing a party" i said and justin smiled before attacking me with kisses.

after spending the day cuddling and napping we finally got ready for the party. i decided on wearing jean shorts and a tank top over my bikini.

"i haven't seen you in a bikini in a while" justin said while stroking my hips and i smirked.

"behave, we don't have time for a quickie we're late" i said and he nodded before he grabbed his keys and we headed to the new house.

when we got there a couple people already showed up to help with the kegs. the house was still empty so there's no need to worry about damage.

"finally you're here we've missed you" noah said before him luke and sophia came to hug me.

"i've missed you too" i said when they all let go of me.

"what's going on with you and mom, she hasn't told us anything" luke said and that made me angry, she needs to tell them.

"she has to tell you, it's her secret not mine" i said before heading to the keg to get a head start for the night.

"wait for me" justin said before he filled a cup for himself and chugged it with me.

"tryna keep up with me tonight" i asked as i filled my cup up again.

"yup, every drink you have i'm gonna have" he said also filling up his cup again and we chugged.

people finally started to join the party and by then justin and i moved onto shots. we both stopped after four because luke and grayson were whining about not getting any.

"don't drink too much" i slurred to luke as justin guided me by my hips away from them.

then i saw bella and connor dancing with noah and sophia so we joined them while justin and i grabbed a couple more drinks.

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