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today was the day luke and i are getting tested to be transplants for mama. i was actually pretty nervous, what if neither of us are a match.

when we got to the hospital we checked in and waited for the nurse to come get us for the tests.

when she took me back to the room alone and had me change into a hospital gown. i watched as she got the stuff ready to take my blood.

"what are the chances of my kidney being a match for my mom" i asked and she sighed.

"only fifty percent, but hopefully you or your brother match" she said and i nodded as i prepared for her to take my blood.

after that she made me go pee in a cup and then she began to give me a physical. i hate doing this shit at the doctors.

"so if neither my brother nor i match, how long would it take her to get one if she was on the list" i asked and she sighed again.

"a couple years" she said and it hit me so hard, she can't wait a couple years.

"when does she need one by" i asked and she sighed again.

"really soon, she needs one within a month at the latest" she said and i nodded trying not to cry.

"i promise i'll do everything i can to make your mom better" she said and i smiled as she continued to exam me.

after a couple hours of waiting for our results the nurse finally came out with a big smile. the three of us stood up until i saw mama start falling to the floor but luke caught her.

she was seizing, the nurse ran over to mama and rolled her onto her side as foam started coming out of mamas mouth.

then they brought a stretcher to get her out of the waiting room. i was terrified because she's been doing so good, she hasn't had one since the car accident four months ago.

"doctor i think we need to operate now, she's not doing good" the nurse said as they moved the stretcher down the hall and luke and i followed them.

"is she okay" i asked as tears fell down my cheeks.

"madison you were a match, we need to get you ready for operation, luke you should probably call a couple people to tell them what's going on" the nurse said before she took me into a room to get changed.

she had me change into a gown again, i was shaking. this is all happening so quick.

"madison you need to calm down, and just breathe, everything's okay" she said noticing i was struggling to dress because i was shaking.

after i was changed she had me lay down on a bed and they started bringing me to an operation room.

"okay madison this will be very quick, i've done many kidney transplants in my life so don't worry" the doctor assured me before i was put under anesthesia.

i woke up feeling extremely sore and blinded by the light of the room. i noticed mama was laying in a bed next to me awake and i smiled at her.

"you okay honey" mama asked me and i nodded even though i'm in pain, before i noticed that justin noah luke drake and michael were here.

"madi you saved mama" drake said with a big smile and i smiled too.

"i guess i did" i said before looking at my mother and smiling at her.

"noah you look a lot better" i said and he smiled.

"he's taking his meds now" luke said and i nodded before the doctor came in.

"good you're both up, the surgery went fine, there were a couple complications but obviously we fixed them, you guys will be able to go home in a couple days" he said and we all nodded before he left.

a couple days later justin was driving me home because there was no room in michael's car, and i missed my boyfriend.

"how are you feeling baby" he asked while playing with my fingers in his hand.

"not that good, i need some Advil or something" i said while rubbing my head.

"do you have a headache" he asked and i nodded.

"awe i'm sorry babygirl" he said before kissing my hand and i gave him a small smile.

"thank you for the ride home babe" i said before unbuckling and opening the door.

when i tried to climb out by myself it hurt my stomach really bad so i stopped and groaned.

"baby let me help you, you're still too sore for that" he said before gently picking me up bridal style and i cuddled close to his chest as he brought me in the house and up to my room.

"thank you justin" i said drowsily as he lied me down on my bed and kissed my forehead.

"i can go if you're tired babe" he said and i shook my head before gently grabbing his hand to pull him next to me.

"don't leave, i miss you" i whispered into the crook of his neck as he played with my hair.

"i've been at the hospital with you for the past couple days baby" he laughed and i smiled.

"i know but i wasn't allowed to cuddle you there" i mumbled against his neck and he groaned a little.

"i can tell you missed it too" i said cheekily before sucking on his neck which made him grip my hips and slightly groan again.

"mad that feels so good" he said before i tried to roll on top of him to straddle but it hurt too much and i whimpered in pain before justin stopped me.

"baby it's fine, i don't want you to rip your stitches, you just need to rest" he said and i nodded before resting my head on his chest.

"what complication went on during surgery cause my mom doesn't seem like she's in as much pain" i asked and he sighed.

"i don't really know but it had something to do with your body not functioning properly with only one kidney, but they fixed it" he said and i nodded.

"it hurts a lot" i said while holding my side they operated on trying not to cry.

"i'll go see if you have any advil" he said and i nodded before he left. i slowly sat up and took my shirt off so i was just in my sports bra.

i looked in the mirror at my stitches and i started crying. it's going to look so ugly when it heals.

"baby what's wrong" justin asked when he came back with the pills and i wrapped my arms around him for a hug.

"i love you so much" i said and he gently pulled away and i took the pills from him.

"i love you too babygirl" he said before wiping the tears from my cheek and handing me a water bottle to take my pills.

"thank you" i said before lying back down and getting under the sheets with him.

"no problem, hey do you have any plans for spring break" he asked and i shook my head.

"wanna go to california with my family and me" he asked and i smiled.

"i would love to, i just have to ask my mom, but i know she'll say yes" i said with a big smile and he smiled too.

"you're so beautiful" he said and i blushed before softly kissing him.

spring break should be fun.

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