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at around six in the morning the uber came to pick all of us up from my house. everyone decided to meet here since three of us already live here.

"why did you book such an early flight" i groaned as we all got in the huge van. the sun wasn't even up so why was i up.

"cause then we'll have more time to do stuff when we get there" he said and i nodded before the van took off to the airport.

when we finally got on the plane we went to sit in our seat. justin didn't get us first class and i was happy, we don't need it and it would just waste his money.

"you can go back to sleep, i'll wake you up when we get there" justin said and i smiled before resting my head on his shoulder and i fell asleep.

"baby wake up we're here" justin said as i felt myself being shook.

"already" i said as i took in my surroundings, we were the last ones on the plane.

"yes, let's go" he said before dragging me off the plane to see our friends waiting for us.

"what hotel are we staying in" bella asked and justin smiled.

"i just rented a beach house, it's cheaper and closer to the beach" he said and everyone had no problem with that.

we ended up renting a two jeeps for us to share. justin and i drove to the house with oliver and alfredo and the other four were in the other jeep.

"this place is nice" connor said when we all got there and justin unlocked the door for us to go inside.

"dibs on the master bedroom" i yelled and everyone groaned while justin laughed.

"can we go to the beach" bella asked as she looked out the back window at the beautiful ocean.

"of course everyone get your suits on" justin said before we all ran to the bedrooms to change.

"wear the yellow one, it makes your skin look really nice" justin said as i was picking which swimsuit to wear.

i quickly changed into the yellow bikini and when i turned around to look at justin he was wearing yellow swim trunks.

"awe we're twinzies" i said and he smiled before pulling me closer to kiss me.

"that's why i told you to pick that one baby" he said and i smiled before he spanked me and ran away out of the room laughing.

i looked at my butt in the mirror to see a giant red handprint. i quickly ran downstairs after him so i could get my revenge.

"everyone ready to go" justin yelled before i slapped the middle of his back and i heard his breath hitch in his throat.

"god damn woman" justin said as he rubbed the spot i hit and i smiled before kissing his cheek.

eventually everyone came downstairs and we went out the back door to the beach. it was so warm here compared to washington.

"oh my god this is amazing" bella yelled before her and connor ran down to the water.

"it's so beautiful" i said as justin and i walked toward the water holding hands.

"not as beautiful as you" he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek and i blushed as the water hit my toes.

"you're so cheesy" i said and he smiled before wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me closer for a heated kiss.

"you know you love it" he smirked against my lips and i smiled before deepening the kiss.

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