messed up

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i woke up in a shitty mood for school on friday. living with my mom again has been rough. she just doesn't understand that i'm not ready to forgive her.

"can we get coffee or something i didn't sleep" i said when i got in justin's car and he laughed.

"good morning to you too baby" he said and i rolled my eyes before giving him a quick kiss.

"sorry i just don't like being here right now" i said and he nodded understanding what i meant.

"starbucks or dunkin" he asks and i smiled before he left my house.

after our trip to dunkin we arrived to school on time for first period, which is where we ate our donuts.

"if you want you can sleep at mine tonight so you don't have to go home" justin whispered to me while we were supposed to be studying.

"really that'd be perfect, i miss sleeping with you" i said and he blew me a kiss which made me blush.

in my second hour i noticed connor walked in with a bunch of red lipstick marks on his neck. it was bella's shade she always wears so i rolled my eyes at their lack of clean up.

"you look like you had a good time" i said gesturing to his neck and he smirked before i handed him a compact mirror so he could wipe them away.

"bellas a fucking animal, i love her" he said and my eyes widened in shock.

"pretend you didn't hear me say that, i still need to tell her" he said and i nodded.

"lips are sealed" i said and he took a breath of relief. it's about time he said it though bella's been waiting forever. even if he didn't say it to her.

"are you and justin going to that rave tonight" he asked and i was confused. this is the first i've heard of a rave tonight.

"no but now we will" i said getting excited.

"sweet but you'll need a fake id, you need to be twenty one to get in" he said and i smirked.

"i got two bitch" i said and he laughed before the teacher shushed us to keep reading.

"guess where we're going tonight" i said excitedly as i met with justin after school at his car.

"the rave" he said and i nodded surprised he guessed correctly.

"ya did connor tell you too" i asked and he shook his head.

"everyone's talking about it, wanna swing by yours to get something to change into" he asked and i nodded before we got in and left.

luckily nobody was home but noah and sophia so i easily snuck in to get an outfit for tonight. i also packed a small makeup bag and an overnight bag for justin's.

"was your mom home" justin asked when i got back in the car and i shook my head.

"just noah and soph, but they didn't see me" i said and he nodded.

"tonight's gonna be so much fun, have you been to a rave before" he asked and i nodded.

"in california i went to one but it was eighteen plus not twenty one" i said and he nodded before putting his hand on my thigh.

"i'm glad i'm taking you to your first one here then" he said and i smiled before placing my hand on top of his.

when we got to his house i started to get ready in the bathroom. i did my makeup pretty natural but i did a red lip and added some glitter to my eyes. i left my hair natural and changed into my outfit.

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