valentines day

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"Madison you're taking forever, Justin's already here" Noah yelled and i groaned while looking at my reflection in the mirror.

All my dresses were too short that they don't cover my bullet scar and i didn't want it to show tonight.

"Baby what's taking so long" Justin asked as he poked his head in my room and i looked at him before frowning.

"All my dresses are too short" i said and he smirked as he walked closer to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"That's why i like them" he said before his hands went lower and squeezed my ass.

"I'm serious Justin i don't want my scar to show at a fancy restaurant" i said while trying to pull my dress down and he stopped me.

"You're scar is beautiful Madison, you should be proud of it, plus it sounds badass if someone asks what happened" he said and i laughed.

"I guess you're right, let's go" i said before slipping on some adidas superstars and we left my house.

When we got to the restaurant i felt a little self conscious because everyone looked so much nicer. We sat down at a huge long table since there were ten of us.

"What can i get you guys started off with to drink" the waiter asked before he wrote down all of our drinks.

"You're beautiful Madison" Justin whispered in my ear before sliding his hand onto my thigh and i blushed.

"So Jamie how did you meet Luke" bella asked since Jamie was a sophomore on the cheer squad.

"We have english together" Jamie replied before i felt Justin's fingers slip up my dress a little and i gave him a look.

"You better be treating my favorite sophomore right" Sophia scolded Luke which made him laugh as i felt Justin's fingers touch the fabric of my panties on my sensitive skin.

"Alright who ordered the lemonade" the waiter said when he came back with a tray of drinks.

As he was passing out the drinks, Justin's fingers slipped under my panties and rubbed me gently. The second i got my drink i instantly picked it up to take a drink of my cold water.

"Thirsty" Justin whispered into my ear before he slid a finger inside me and i pushed his hand away.

"I'll be right back, im just gonna go to the bathroom" i said before fixing my dress and standing up.

"Want us to go with you" bella asked before her and Sophia stood up.

"No, um thank you though" i said before walking to the bathroom.

When i got in there i looked at myself in the mirror, my straight hair was already starting to get frizzy again and my bullet scar stood out so bad.

"Baby, are you okay" i heard Justin say before i saw him in the mirror behind me.

"Why did you do that Justin" i asked before turning around to face him and his hands went to my hips.

"Cause i was hoping I'd get you alone" he whispered before kissing my lips passionately.

"Someone's gonna walk in on us babe" i mumbled against his lips before he lifted me up by my butt and carried me into a stall.

"I don't even care i just want you" he groaned as he rubbed himself against me and pressed me against the wall.

"I want you too baby" i moaned as he sucked on my neck and slid my dress up so he could slip his fingers in my panties easier.

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