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today was my first day back at school since my overdose and i was nervous. sophia told me everyone knew about it and that rumors were going around.

i waited until the monday after because i was hoping it would die down after a whole week but i was wrong.

"can't they mind their own fucking business" i whispered to justin as we walked down the hall to our first class. everyone was talking while looking at us and i didn't like it.

"they're just bored with their own lives, ignore them" justin said before kissing the side of my head and i slightly smiled.

when we got to class everyone was whispering again and it pissed me off. it's not like i did drugs on purpose, someone drugged me.

"alright class are you ready for your history final" the teacher said and i looked at justin confused.

"relax i doubt you'll have to take it" he said and i relaxed a little as everyone got a laptop from the cart.

"madison where's your laptop" the teacher said and my eyes widened.

"i didn't think i had to take it" i said and she rolled her eyes.

"if you've been here all semester you have to take it" she said and i frowned.

"but i was in the hospital, i missed a whole week" i said on the verge of a panic attack.

"yes and we all know why, but you've known the final would be today for weeks, you have no excuses" she said and a couple people sniggered as my eyes watered up.

i could feel my heart start to race as she placed a laptop on my desk and i felt super hot. i felt like i was underwater and couldn't breathe with all the stares i'm getting.

"can i please go to the bathroom" i asked and the teacher sighed.

"if you must, but leave your phone with me" she said and i nodded before handing her my phone and going into the hallway to cool off.

i leaned against the wall and slid down resting my head between my knees to calm down. i can't believe this is happening. i could feel my hands shaking and my heart felt like it was going to burst.

"mad, you've been out here for ten minutes" justin suddenly said next to me and i looked up at him.

"no way, it's only been like a minute" i said and he sighed before sitting next to me.

"she sent me out to check on you surprisingly" justin said and i was actually shocked she let him.

"i shouldn't have come back today" i said and he wrapped his arm around me.

"you'll be fine baby, you know this stuff, remember you used to tutor me, you're good at school" he said before he noticed my hands were shaking and he grabbed them.

"i'm so fucking done with this place" i said and he laughed a little.

"two more weeks and we're out of here, you can do it, i know you can. if you can survive getting shot right there, then you can get through your finals" he said while pointing to the spot where my dried blood still stains and i laugh a little.

"i guess you're right" i said before he got up and helped me up then we walked into the classroom.

everyone watched me sit down and when i looked up at everyone they quickly turned around and i began my final.

when i was on the last question and hit submit it asked if i wanted to see my score. i took a deep breath and pushed yes.

my eyes lit up when i saw the eighty percent that's exactly what i needed to keep my B in the class.

i looked at justin and he looked at my screen and smiled before giving me a high five. i love this man.

"we can celebrate later" he said and i wasn't sure what he meant by that but i smiled because i freaked out for nothing.

after i went through all my classes i finally met justin at his car, but i wasn't in a good mood. people are so rude to me when i did nothing to them.

"babe what's wrong" justin asked when we got in the car.

"i don't wanna talk about it" i said as i buckled my seatbelt and stared out the window at the snotty kids walking by.

"madison tell me" he said and i groaned.

"they all act like i asked to be drugged by some pervert at a fricken club, like nobody asks for that but it still happens. i don't deserve this bullshit everyone's spreading, i'm not a drugie" i slightly yelled and he placed his hand on my thigh to calm me down.

"it doesn't matter what they think, they're losers" he said before pulling out of the parking lot.

"where are we going" i asked when he passed the turn to both our houses.

"we're celebrating your grade beautiful" he said and i blushed as he drove into town.

"we're getting ice cream" i squealed as he pulled up to the ice cream shop and he nodded before we got out.

"oh my god it smells yummy in here" i said when we entered the shop and we quickly got our ice cream.

"i knew you'd like coming here" he smiled before we sat at a table to eat.

"it's so hot how fast you can finish your food" he laughed as i licked the plastic spoon clean.

"really my brothers say it's disgusting" i laugh and he does too before we throw our cups away and head back to the car.

"now what are we doing" i asked once he started the car and he smirked.

"i don't know about you, but i'm gonna do this beautiful girl right in front of me" he whispered in my ear before kissing my neck and i closed my eyes as i let him taste my skin.

"i'm down for that" i whispered before i connected our lips. we continued to make out for a while until he pulled me into him so i was straddling his waist. it was a tight fit.

"i don't remember it being this tight of a fit last time" i whispered as i tried to grind on him but it wasn't working very well.

"wanna climb in the back" he asked and i looked past his shoulder at all the room in the back.

"sure why not" i said before i tried to climb through to the back but my hips got stuck between the seats.

"can you help me a little bit" i laughed and he did too before he gave my ass a hard smack to push me through.

"finally we have more room" he whispered as he pulled me back into his lap to straddle and we were able to continue where we left off.

he slid the straps of my tank top down as he kissed down my chest and i moaned as he sucked a nipple into his mouth.

"what if someone sees" i said looking out the windows to make sure nobody was looking.

"my windows are too tinted, don't worry, nobody's gonna see anything" he said and that's all i needed to hear before i rode him in the back of his camero.

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