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I woke up Monday morning knowing I have to face everyone at school. I groaned feeling embarrassed yet kinda happy everyone knows who I am.

On Saturday night a video of me "saving justin" was posted on Twitter. A lot of people followed me from school but some girls called me a slut, which I believe is incorrect. I don't quite remember Halloween night.

I️ just pulled on some jean shorts and a blue hoodie with my checkered vans. I️ didn't even bother with makeup today. I️ give no fucks.

"Hey Madison nice moves on Saturday" some dude in a football uniform said as I️ walked through the gates of the school and I️ ignored it.

"Everyone's talking about you girly" Sophia said when I️ reached my three best friends. I️ could feel everyone that walked by staring at me.

"I️ don't like it, what's even the big deal" I️ asked and they all smiled like I️ should've known the answer.

"Girl what you did was sexy as hell, every guy wants you to straddle them and every girl is jelly" Oliver explained and I️ nodded. Perfect just what I️ need.

"Don't worry Lindsay will suck some dudes in the bathroom for twenty dollars and everyone will be over this like that" bella said and I️ smiled before the bell rang and I️ went to class.

When I️ walked into history everyone stared at me and I️ just ignored it and sat in the back like normal. Justin wasn't here. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

"You're late" the teacher randomly said and I️ looked up to see Justin walking in.

"By two minutes chill" Justin said before sitting down and the teacher glared at him.

"Hey can we talk" Justin whispered to me, everyone was either looking at us or whispering about us.

"About" I️ asked and he just looked at me with a look saying that was a stupid question.

"Saturday night" he said and I️ shrugged.

"I️ don't even remember Saturday so you're gonna have to fill me in on what the fuck we did because when I️ woke up on Sunday morning being called a slut because someone posted a video of me kissing you I️ sure as hell would like an explanation" I️ said a little loud and everyone including the teacher was staring.

"I'm sorry am I️ interrupting you guys" the teacher said and I️ slid down in my seat feeling super embarrassed.

"No ma'am" I️ said before she got back to teaching and Justin looked guilty as fuck. God what did you do on Saturday madison.

After history Justin stormed away so I️ just went to english to get the same stares from everyone.

"Hey madison I️m really sorry about Saturday night, i was drinking and wasn't thinking" Connor said way too fast and it shocked me.

"What did you do" I️ asked scared I️ may have done something with him too now.

"I️ tried to make moves on you but you wouldn't let me, I️ don't even know why I️ did it, I️ like your friend Bella, I'm just really sorry, please don't tell her I️ did what I️ did" he said and I️ nodded.

"Just don't do it again" I️ said and he smiled before we continued class.

As I️ was getting my calculus book my locker was slammed and I️ saw Justin which startled me.

"You scared me Justin" I️ said placing my hand over my chest.

"We need to talk, like seriously" he said and I️ frowned.

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