i love you

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Today was the day, i told myself. I was going to talk to Justin today. I figured today would be easiest because if he says no i got the whole weekend to avoid him.

When i got to class Justin sat next to me without making any eye contact and i frowned. This is going to be harder than i thought.

I needed a minute to think of what to say but i couldn't think with him sitting right there being completely fine that we're apart.

"Can i please go to the bathroom" i asked the teacher and she rolled her eyes before letting me go.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I don't even look that cute today. I'm just wearing a pink shirt and white pants. I dress like a twelve year old.

Then heard a giant bang and a bunch of screams. Was that a gunshot? It sounded really close.

"Attention students and staff we are now initiating a lockdown, i repeat we are now initiating a lockdown" the speaker said in the bathroom and i went into the last stall and locked it. I was all alone in here.

I stood on the toilet seat so i wouldn't be visible and i began to shake. I was terrified.

Then i heard another gunshot and i started crying, it's getting closer. This is how I'm going to die, I'm going to die with a bullet in my head like my father.

I was shaking so much, i needed to tell somebody I'm in here, and that was when i realized i left my phone in the classroom so i cried even more.

Then i heard the bathroom door open and i immediately silenced my tears. I heard them kick open every stall until they got to mine and it didn't open. I just closed my eyes in fear.

"Madison is that you" i heard Noah say and i took a breath of relief before opening the door for him and instantly hugging him.

"Thank god it's you, i was so scared Noah" i cried while hugging him and he gently shushed me because were still on lockdown.

"I knew you would be" he said and i smiled never wanting to let him go.

"How did you know where to find me" i asked and he sighed.

"Justin texted me, he said you would be in here, he was worried" Noah said and i smiled because now it won't be as hard to talk to him cause i know he still cares.

"What do we do now" i asked before another gunshot went off. It seemed a little farther than the last one.

"Isn't your class just down the hall" he asked and i nodded before he grabbed my hand.

"We're gonna go there, we'll be safer in there" he said and i was scared.

"What if they don't let us in, they're not allowed to" i said and Noah laughed.

"Have you met Justin, he'll make sure that door opens for you" Noah said and i smiled before he led us out of the bathroom.

We were walking as quietly as possible to the history class, but it wasn't quiet enough because the gunshots got closer.

"It's Madison and Noah, open the door please" i yelled outside the classroom door and that was when we could hear footsteps.

"Please help us" i screamed while jiggling the handle but nobody answered and that was when we were face to face with the gunman. He was wearing a mask but he had piercing blue eyes and his gun was pointed right at us.

"Honey don't you know you're supposed to be quiet during lockdowns, otherwise the shooter might find you" he said and i could tell he was smiling because of the squint in his eyes before i heard him shoot and i instantly fell to the floor in pain.

I screamed as i saw the blood spreading through my jeans. Noah instantly squatted down to help me but then i saw the guy point his gun at Noah and i screamed again before he pulled the trigger but nothing happened.

Noah turned around to look at the man and stood up nice and tall scaring the man and he ran away before Noah came back to my aid.

"Madison was shot, please let us in" Noah yelled while i was crying on the floor. This is how I'm gonna die.

"Please open the door, she's gonna bleed out, the guy left he ran out of bullets" Noah yelled before we heard what sounded like desks being thrown and the door opened.

Justin stood at the door and several people were on the floor, he must've pushed them out of the way.

"Thank god" Noah said before he helped me up and him and Justin carried me into the classroom.

"Madison are you okay" the teacher asked and i just shook my head as tears left my eyes.

"I'm gonna call nine one one, does anyone have scissors to cut her jeans off" the teacher said and a girl handed Noah scissors for him to cut one of the legs of my jeans off.

"Damn it Madi, it's bad" Noah said and i looked at the blood gushing out of my thigh, he must've shot me right in the artery.

"I guess today was a bad day to wear white jeans" i slurred as i felt a pins and needles sensation in my foot.

"Justin keep her awake, she's loosing too much blood" Noah said as he applied pressure to my leg with his flannel.

"Keep your eyes open Mad" Justin said before he grabbed my hand and i squeezed it because i missed him.

"But Im so tired" i slurred before i heard Noah curse and i looked to see i already bled through his flannel.

"Just stay with me baby, you're so strong, you can do this, just a couple more minutes" Justin said while stroking my hair with his other hand as i felt my eyelids getting heavier.

"Justin I'm too tired" i said as i felt my hand begin to slowly lose its grip on his, i was too weak. Some of the girls in the class were crying.

"Don't close your eyes on me Mad" Justin yelled at me which woke me up slightly.

"It hurts so bad" i cried barely able to breathe.

"Keep talking to me Mad, just a little longer" he asked and his face began to get blurry.

"Justin i can't, I'm so sorry" i cried barely audible and he squeezed my hand harder.

"Madison i love you please don't close your eyes on me" Justin said and i knew Noah gave him a look but i couldn't see anything anymore.

"I lo...too" i barely slurred before i officially couldn't feel anything and i couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and i couldn't hear anyone.

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