be my date

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justin picked me up from my house this morning for school and he seemed like he was in a great mood.

"babe what's up" i laughed because he couldn't stop smiling and he looked at me.

"i have a surprise for you after school, so come home with me" he said and i nodded. i wonder what the surprise is.

when we got to first period we just watched a movie and took notes the entire hour. it was boring.

then in my second period it was kind of a study hall. we had a sub so we couldn't do anything.

"psst madi" i heard and i looked up to see connor.

"what's up" i asked and he smiled.

"has bella said anything about prom to you" he asked and i smiled.

"not really why" i asked and he slightly blushed.

"well i was wondering if you knew how she wants to be asked because i have no idea" he said and i laughed a little.

"definitely something with flowers, bella's really into that girly sort of thing" i said and he smiled.

"thanks madi, also do you know what color her dress is, i want my tie to match" he said and i smiled, that's adorable.

"we haven't gone shopping yet, but i'll let you know as soon as i know" i said and he smiled.

then it was time for calculus. i don't particularly like this class but i'm good at it so it's not that bad.

"hey madison i heard about your mom and my dad" grayson said and i was confused.

"what" i asked because i have no idea what he's talking about.

"luke didn't tell you, my dad has been dating your mom for a while" he said and my jaw was on the floor.

"how did i not know this" i said shocked nobody told me.

"i never brought it up cause i thought you knew" he said and i shook my head.

"michael only lives in a one bedroom condo" i said still confused.

"i mainly live with my mom but she's moving to new york for work so i'm gonna have to live with him to finish school" he said and i was still shocked.

"so i guess you're my stepbrother" i said not knowing what else to say.

"and you're my stepsister" he said and i just laughed a little because it's such a small world.

after calculus and dance justin and i walked to his car and he drove us to his house. i'm so excited for my surprise.

"ready" he asked and i nodded before he opened the front door of his house and i saw rose pedals on the floor.

"what's this" i asked and he pointed towards the stairs and i realized it was a trail going upstairs.

"what did you do" i laughed as i walked up the stairs and into his room. then i saw five giant letter balloons.


"mad baby will you go to prom with me" he asked and i turned around to give him a bunch of kisses. i was so happy.

"is that a yes" he laughs in between kisses and i hit his shoulder before giving him a nice long kiss.

"awe you two are so cute let me take a picture" his mom said walking in and justin handed me a bouquet of flowers and we posed for pictures.

"i ordered a pizza it should be here soon" she said before leaving the room and justin and i relaxed on his bed cuddling.

"that's gonna be a fun mess for your maid to clean up downstairs" i laughed because the flower pedals were everywhere.

"i'll help her" he said and i smiled before kissing him over and over.

"i love you" i whispered to him and he smiled.

"i love you too" he said before pulling me on top of him and his hands grabbed my ass.

as he squeezed my butt i gave him a couple hickeys on his neck before i pulled his shirt off and continued to trail the love bites down his chest.

"fuck" he groaned lowly as i palmed his dick through his pants.

"how long until your mom comes back with pizza" i asked as i started to unzip his pants and he bit his lip as he watched me pull them down.

"enough time for a quickie" he said eager for me to relieve him of being held down by his boxers.

i then pulled down his boxers and he groaned as i stroked him. i then scooted my body down so i was down there and i looked up to see him watching me.

i licked the tip and his head went back in bliss before i finally took in as much as i could and he let out a low moan.

i continued to blow him until he came and i swallowed before he pulled me back up so i was face to face with him and he kissed my forehead.

"thank you baby" he whispered as he fixed himself back in his pants and i smiled.

"you're welcome" i said before lying my head on his chest.

"you're perfect madison" he said and i laughed a little before looking up at him.

"are you just saying that because i gave a good blowjob" i laughed and he shook his head.

"no i mean it, you're perfect" he said and i blushed.

"no i'm not" i said before burying my head in his neck.

"to me you're perfect" he said while gently stroking his fingers up and down my back.

"that feels good" i mumbled against his neck and he laughed a little and he kept doing it until i almost fell asleep, but the pizza came.

after we ate it was time for me to go home because it's a school night. when i got home i saw noah walking using his cane and i smiled at his improvement.

"what's got you in a good mood" he smiled and i smiled bigger.

"justin asked me to prom" i said everyone smiled except noah.

"isn't that a given that you'd go together since he's your boyfriend" luke asked thinking it's stupid.

"shut up luke, honey i'm so happy for you what color dress are you thinking, i'm gonna need lots of pictures" my mom started before noah groaned and stormed off to his room.

"he's just upset he can't go to prom, don't take it personal madi" she said and i nodded. but i can't help it if i take it personally that i hurt my twins feelings.

"i'm gonna go tell the girls" i said before going up to my room to text the girls.

when are we going dress shopping for prom

let's go tomorrow the sooner the better or the nice ones will be gone

i'm down

me too

alright tomorrow after school we're going shopping

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