cheer practice

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When I got to history class I was late because Noah broke my ringer on my phone so I didn't hear the alarm go off.

"You're lookin rough today mad" justin said and I rolled my eyes. I just put my hair up in a ponytail and wore sweats which was good cause it's raining.

"I woke up late" I said and he nodded.

"Your projects are due on Friday, I expect all A's" the teacher told us and I looked at justin. We should probably get started on that.

"Wanna come to my place after school to work on the project" I asked and he seemed shocked.

"I thought you wanted to do it separately and then put it together" he said with a smirk.

"Well now we only have four days, so do you wanna come over or not" I said and he smiled.

"I'd be stupid to say no" he said and I smiled before we got to work on outlining our project.

My next class with Connor was awkward because he kept smirking at me every time I looked at him. Then we got a little social time cause the teacher went to the bathroom.

"So i hope you're going to wear something sexy to this Halloween party, maybe we could finish there" he said and I groaned.

"Listen Connor what happened last night will never happen again, do you understand" I said but he just continued smirking.

"We'll see how you feel about that after the party" he said before winking and I rolled my eyes.

"Just don't tell anybody about what we did, just forget it ever happened" I said and he smirked.

"That's gonna be pretty tough to forget but I'll try" he said and I rolled my eyes again. Him and Noah are like the same person.

"What are you going to wear to the party" he asked while reading the book were supposed to be reading right now.

"I'm not sure yet, Bella's supposed to go shopping with me" I said and he smiled at the mention of Bella.

"Hey do you think you could introduce me to Bella" he asked and I was surprised.

"Ya sure I'll set my best friend up with the guy that just made a bunch of moves on me last night" I said sarcastically and he sighed.

"You didn't tell her did you" he asked and I shook my head.

"I haven't seen her yet today, but I'll keep it to myself, but you gotta introduce yourself to her, I don't want her to blame me if it goes wrong" I said and he rolled his eyes before going back to reading his book.

After school it was time for cheer practice and I wasn't really feeling it today. Especially with the lack of sleep from hating myself for letting Connor touch me last night.

"Girls our routine is boring, we need to add some pep to it, we need more stunts" ashley said at the beginning of practice when all the football players started walking in from the field soaking wet from the rain.

All the cheerleaders immediately walked over to them to flirt with the boys and I rolled my eyes as I walked to my brother Luke.

"Why are you guys just standing here" I asked Luke and of course Grayson was right by his side.

"We're waiting for coach to unlock the locker room, then we have to stay here until practice is over or coach gets in trouble so we'll probably just watch you guys" he said and I nodded.

"I bet the girls will just love that" i slightly laughed and he did too.

"What are you guys doing we need to practice" ashley yelled which made all the girls run back to her while I just walked cause I don't give a shit.

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