mom's secret man

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I woke up with Justin's arms around me and i smiled as i cuddled closer to him, last night he just got back from California so he slept over.

"Good morning babygirl" justin whispered in my ear before kissing my neck a little.

"Did i wake you" i asked as i stretched out and he laughed a little. His voice sounded so raspy.

"Not at all, how'd you sleep" he asked as he pulled me closer and buried his face in my neck.

"Good how did you sleep" i asked as he sucked on my neck.

"Perfect" he said and i blushed as he continued to suck on my neck.

"I had a really weird dream last night" i said and he laughed against my neck.

"What was it" he asked and i laughed a little.

"It was like some weird alien abduction thing and it was just weird, did you dream about anything" i asked before turning around to face him and his hands went to my hips.

"I had a dream about the future, you were there and little mads were there and little justins were there" he said and i was confused until i realized he meant kids with me.

"Huh well in order to have kids we gotta have sex first" i laughed at the fact that we haven't had sex yet.

"We've been doing this for what, two months, this is crazy, why haven't we had sex yet" he said and i shrugged.

"Well when you got here last night you just necked, we barely talked" i said and he rolled his eyes.

"I just got off a flight, i was tired, maybe i can make up for last night right now" he said before pulling my hips closer to his and he started sucking on my neck again.

"That sounds so good" i slightly moaned before he pulled me on top of him and i started grinding on him.

"I missed you so much these past couple days" he groaned in my ear as he used his hands to grind my body on his faster.

"Me too baby" i said before sucking on his neck then we heard a knock on the door and instantly stopped and looked at each other.

"Madi" i heard drake say from outside the door and i quickly got off justin and checked myself in the mirror to make sure nothing was showing. My shirt was long enough to cover my panties.

"What's wrong buddy" i asked as i opened the door to him.

"Mommy's not in her room" he said and i frowned, he must've had a bad dream or something.

"She must be downstairs, she's here" i said wanting to close the door to continue with justin but he hugged my leg.

"I'm scared Madi, it's dark" he said and i looked at the clock. It was five thirty in the fucking morning, why am i even up.

Then we all heard a huge bang and drake started crying and hugged me tighter so i lifted him up and held him on my hip.

"What was that Madi, I'm scared, where's mommy" drake cried before justin got up and he opened my door and we heard Noah yelling at another man. Who the hell is that.

"Who's here" Luke asked when we were in the hallway, i shrugged before we started walking down the hall to the end of the stairs to see Noah holding a bat in his hands.

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