meeting mama

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The second i walked into the gym for cheer practice on Monday i knew i was gonna get shit from Ashley.

"Madison Ortiz what makes you think you can leave in the middle of our biggest game of the year" ashley yelled while walking towards me.

"I had a family emergency" i said as other cheerleaders began to circle around us.

"I need to know a week in advance if you're going to miss a game and you never should miss games, i should cut you from the team" she said and i groaned.

"Well maybe i wouldn't have left the game if you would've let me see my sick mother" i said thinking about my mom being home alone with her broken wrist and gigi.

"You tell her Madi" Sophia cheered and Ashley scoffed.

"Go run five laps" she said while crossing her arms and i crossed mine too.

"No" i said and she scoffed again.

"Do what i say or you're off the team" ashley said and i rolled my eyes getting ready to go run the laps.

"What would the principal say if she heard you were making students run laps because they missed a game due to a family emergency" bella defended me and i smirked at her.

"Whatever" ashley said before her and Lindsay walked away and i gave high fives to Bella and Sophia.

We learned part of a new routine for the next game and it was actually pretty cool. We've never done anything like it.

After practice Justin was waiting in his camero for me and i smiled before hopping in. The car was nice and warm compared to the chilly weather.

"It's so cold outside" i said while rubbing my hands together to warm up and he gently grabbed them and blew into them.

"I'll warm you up at your place later babe" he said with a smirk and i blushed before he sped out of school.

"God i love the sound of your engine" i said and he laughed a little before placing his hand on my thigh.

"You're so cute Mad" he said and i smiled.

When we got to my house i led him inside and the first person we saw was my mom sitting on the couch.

"Wanna introduce me to your friend Madison" my mom said and i smiled.

"Mom this is Justin, Justin this is my mom" i said gesturing to each of them.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Ortiz" Justin said and my mom laughed a little.

"Please just call me Marrisa" my mom said and Justin smiled.

"Well were gonna go up to my room, I'll be down for dinner later" i said as i grabbed Justin's hand and led him upstairs.

"Behave madison" my mother warned and i rolled my eyes. I love that woman.

"Your mom seems nice, do you think i made a good first impression" Justin asked as he sat down on my bed and i closed my door.

"Ya most guys i don't trust to meet my mom so she already knew you were gonna be a good guy" i said as i walked into my closet to change into something more comfortable.

"What do you mean" he asked as i took off my cheer shorts.

"Well i guess I've never kept a guy around long enough to get to know them" i said as i pulled on some booty shorts.

"Ohhh i See, Mad got around at her old school didn't she" he said and i stuck my hand out the closet door to flip him off.

"Like you haven't" i said before quickly pulling on a tank top and walking out of my closet.

"True" he said as i took my hair out of the ponytail it was in and i brushed it out.

Then i suddenly felt arms wrap around me and i bit my lip as he moved my hair away from my neck and he began to kiss it.

"Baby you're teasing me again with these shorts" he whispered into my ear, his breath giving me chills.

"That's the point" i whispered before pushing my butt against him and he placed his hands on my hips to push me closer to him and i felt him harden a little.

"I see what you're doing" he said hungrily before turning me around and kissing me. I quickly kissed back and i slowly walked him to my bed until he was sitting down and i was standing between his legs.

"Straddle me again babygirl" he said with a smirk and he guided my hips to straddle him as we continued kissing.

Our kisses began to get messy when i started grinding on him and he groaned a little as i felt him getting harder underneath me.

"Can we get under the sheets" he asked and i nodded before he pulled the sheets from under us and he switched positions so he was now grinding on top of me.

I pulled him against me harder with my legs still straddling him. Just the friction of our clothes against me made me feel wet. Damn it's been too long.

"Your shorts are a little wet maybe i should take them off" he whispered in my ear and i didn't even stop him as he took off my shorts leaving me in my thong.

He began to rub me through my panties and my throat hitched at the feeling I've craved since moving here. He then slid my thong to the side and i felt his fingers touch me and i bit my lip to hold in my moan. I'm so pathetic, usually I'm not moaning until at least a couple fingers are inside me.

"Justin stop teasing me and just do it" i said as he was just rubbing me and he smirked at my greediness.

"As you wish babygirl" he said before he slipped a finger inside me and i let out a quiet moan.

"Faster please" i said and he pumped two fingers in and out a little faster but i wanted more.

I then reached my hand down to his and i pushed his fingers in deeper a couple times to show him what i meant and he quickly did what i wanted and i orgasmed on his fingers.

"And i thought i was gonna be the greedy one" he joked as he lied down next to me and i blushed.

"Sorry i just... it's been a while" i said feeling embarrassed.

"No it's okay, i like that aggressiveness, it's a turn on" he said with a smirk and i blushed again.

"Ya i bet, what do you wanna do now" i asked and he smirked.

"You" he said and i rolled my eyes.

"Not today, seriously what do you wanna do" i asked and he thought for a second.

"Let's just cuddle and get to know each other better" he said and i smiled before we started spooning and had a genuine conversation.

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