Chapter 22 Coffee and Cakes

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Thanerah was washing the dishes in the kitchen while Tagor was helping her sister to dry the washed plates and put them away. Hidan had to go meet his father after he had a call from him just after dinner.

Tagor asked his sister as he put the clean white plate away, “So, how’s the marriage life?”

Thanerah turned off the washing basin and glanced at him as she dried her hands with the kitchen towel. She wondered why he was suddenly interested in her marriage life but maybe he was trying to start up with a conversation.

She answered him with a genuine smile, “It’s really great. I’ve never felt so happy before.”

“And is he happy?” Tagor asked as he was mentioning about Hidan.

Thanerah wasn’t quite sure but she doesn’t remember any time when he doesn’t look unhappy at all whenever she’s around him. So she may hope that he’s really happy in the marriage.

“I…believe so.”

Tagor stopped to give Thanerah an arched curious brow because of her tone of voice that held some doubt. “Having some doubts, sis?”

She leaned against the counter with a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, “A little bit.”

“Why’s that?” he asked as he put the drying towel on the counter and folded his arms on his chest as he continued to look at her curiously.

Thanerah hesitated for a moment as she was trying to get her brain into gear about her marriage with Hidan. She’s absolutely happy with him, there’s no doubt about that. But sometimes she had the urge to ask Hidan if he was happy with her.

Whenever he told her he was and he say that he loves her more than anything in the world, she believed him in an instant because the truth was clear in his eyes. But you may never know when a married husband can have second thoughts after he grows tired of being married.

Thanerah felt a small cringe in her heart as she had those thoughts going through her mind. Tagor saw her uneasy expression so he quickly said to her, “Thanerah, you know that I was only curious. I’m not saying that Hidan is unhappy with you. I can see that he really loves you.”

She looked at him in the eyes, “Really?”

He firmly nodded without a doubt in his eyes, “Definitely.” He let out a small laugh as he diverted his eyes from her and scratched the back of his neck nervously. “Damn, sometimes I’m jealous of what you both have. And I’m the bloody oldest.”

She let out a small laugh and took a step closer to him so she could pat his chest, “Don’t worry. I’m sure father is doing his best to find you your mate.”

He sighed, “Yeah…Father is quite picky when it comes to match making.” He stated as he realized it.

“And it is wise for him to be picky. Imagine if he bounded someone with another one who won’t fit into each other; I doubt they’ll survive with each other more than an hour.”

He let out a small laugh as he nodded in agreement, “I can see your point of view, Tha.”

She took a step back then offered him, “Want some tea?”

He shook his head, “Nah. But I’m in the mood for some cake.”

Thanerah arched a curious brow as she crossed her arms, “And where are we going to find one, Tagor? I think the shops are closed at this hour.”

“Who said that we have to go to a shop? There are coffee shops that close at 12.”

“Like Starbucks?”

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