Chapter 31 Honeymoon

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“Again, why are we doing this?” asked Thanerah as she was being lead to a building where apparently was having a class for couples who want to become parents. The holiday for breeding starts tomorrow and to be frankly honest, she was quite nervous but her husband didn’t seem to be that bothered.

Hidan had his arm wrapped around her waist and he answered her question while waving a lazy hand over, “It’s compulsory, babe. If we want to become parents, we have to take this f**king class.”

“Yeah but do we really have to?” she asked nervously.

He chuckled at her and tightened his hold around her to bring her closer to him. “Calm down, love. Everything’s going to be fine, you’ll see.” He pressed a small kiss on her cheek.

She muttered under her breath, “I hope you’re right…”

He try to act hurt as he placed his free hand over his heart, “Thanerah, you hurt my f**king heart. Do you have doubts in me?”

“Not ALL the time.”

He frowned at her deeply, “Okay, that is SO below the f**king belt.”

She giggled and kissed his cheek. “I love you, too.”


The couple stopped in front of a door where the classroom was taken place. Thanerah couldn’t help but to feel like a new transplant student in a new school and she’s going to meet her new class for the first time.

Hidan noticed her nervous expression and asked her, “Hey, you okay?”

She nervously smiled up at him and confessed, “I’m just nervous, love. But do we really, really have to do this?”

He stared at her with an unreadable expression, then shifted his body to face her completely and held her arms while looking straight into her eyes. “Do you really want a baby now? Are you ready for this? Because if you’re not, then we can wait until you are. I’m not in a f**king hurry.”

She shook her head and she rested her hands on his broad shoulders as she said, “N-No, it’s not that. It’s just that…I-I really would love to have a baby with you. It’s just that…I’m worried…” she looked down to avoid looking into his eyes “…I’m worried that I’m not going to be a good mother.”

He didn’t respond immediately and he was thinking how to respond to that. He released her shoulders so he could embrace her tightly. She buried her face in his chest and wrapped around his lower torso.

“Tha, you don’t have to worry about that. I have no doubt that you’re going to be a great mom. Hell, I’m more worried of how I’ll be a good dad. But I’ll do my best to be a great dad to our kid.”

Thanerah pulled away from their embrace to smile up at him then cupped the side of his face and brought him down to her lips.

He didn’t hesitate to kiss back and he wrapped his arms around her waist immediately to press her body against his. They make-out for a moment until someone cleared their throat.

The couple stopped immediately, pulled away and looks to see no other but Kobra with his wife by his side. They were both smiling at them and Kobra said to them, “Glad to see that you two still have the sparks.”

Thanerah laughed nervously for being caught but Hidan just softly glared at Kobra for disturbing them of their ‘moment’.

Kobra turned his attention to his beautiful brunette wife, “Honey, you do remember Hidan?”

She smiled politely, “Of course.” She held out a hand for him and he politely shook it. After they shook their hands, they pulled away. And then she now turned her attention to Thanerah. “And I presume that this is your wife? Thanerah, right?”

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