Chapter 37 Grandparents

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“Uncle Tagor is getting married?” asked a 14-year-old Soran as he was wearing a tux along with his father. Soran was a marvelous kid.

He looked very much like Hidan but it was only the eyes that resembled Thanerah. Each and every day Soran would act like his father. Sometimes he would swear but he would quickly apologize.

When Odan first heard Soran swear, he actually laughed his head off. It wasn’t what Thanerah expected except she did hear Odan saying, “It must have run in the family.”

Hidan entered the room and he still looked as handsome as ever after all these years. He said to Soran, “Not exactly, Soran. Lord Jashin just bonded them last night, so we’re celebrating their courtship. The wedding will come up sooner or later.”

Over the past few years, it was nothing but blissful. Hidan and Thanerah still loved each other so much and it just got better and better every year with their growing son. The Jashin population had upraised from its chaotic state when Thanerah first came here.

Furthermore, Hanatul City was nearly done rebuilding. They were still living in Jontha. Many of their friends have children of their own and it’s a big possibility that everyone will be returning to Hanatul City once it’s done. So Thanerah wouldn’t have to worry about Soran making friends at school.

His grades are good and he had wonderful friends. He seemed to be happy with his life. Plus, he loved to brag about his parents, his father being a General and his mother being a werewolf. They haven’t told him yet that he is the grandson of Lord Jashin because they were worried about his safety. But they will tell him after a couple of years.

Thanerah was fixing Soran’s coat and said, “Now, remember what we talked about?”

Soran sighed and said, “Yes, mom. I won’t swear in public.”

She smiled and kissed Soran’s forehead. She stood up and examined her sexy husband, “You look good.”

Hidan smirked at her, “You look beyond beautiful, Tha.” He strode towards her, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply while being careful with her four mouth round stomach.

They heard a loud whine from Soran, “Mom! Dad! Seriously! Stop that! I’ve been scarred more than 4 times already!”

Yes, Soran barged into their bedroom by accident when they were making love. It’s quite hilarious but they didn’t push it.

Hidan pulled away from his beloved wife to smirk at his son, “Come on, Soran. You’ve seen worse.”

“True and I don’t want to see that again!” he made a disgusting expression.

“Then knock on the door first.”

Thanerah giggled and leaned her head on Hidan’s shoulder. She was wearing an elegant grey storm dress that seemed to fit her perfectly with her round stomach. She rubbed her stomach lovingly and mumbled to Hidan, “I have a feeling that it’s going to be a girl.”

He arched a brow at her with a small smirk, “Now how the f**k can you be so sure of that, babe? It could be a boy, you know?”

“I know, but I just have this feeling that it’s going to be a girl this time.”

“You thought Soran was going to be a girl.”

“Yes but I really, really do have a good feeling that it’s a girl.”

Hidan turned his head to Soran who was playing with Thunder. “Soran, would you like to have a baby brother or sister?”

Soran thought about it while he was still scratching Thunder’s big belly while he was lying on his back and wagging his tail. “Um…I don’t mind either way, but it would be awesome to have a little brother.”

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