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This chapter has been edited, so it's less crappy than the other ones!


<Close to midnight>

<Elizabeth's Pov>

I have no idea how I ended up in this situation.

I'm full on sprinting through the sleeping town, trying (and pretty much failing) to get away from these 6 humongous guys who are chasing me through the streets for god knows why and they're catching up to me fast. Can I have my three wishes now?

I can't keep this up for very long, and the guys behind me are only getting closer. I ran a sharp corner into a cliche shady-looking alley, but I ended up running into a wall instead of freedom.

Dead end.

I prayed that they wouldn't notice this practically invisible alley that I was trapped in, but I didn't get any free wishes, so of course they noticed where I had gone.

They grinned at me, knowing that they had won. Some of them sat down to catch a breath, and all I could do was press my body against the bricks behind me. Each one was at least 3 times as big as me, made up of pure muscle.

They sat there for a little bit, and I felt a flicker of pride for at least tiring them out. But that didn't change the fact that I was stuck and they were probably gonna kill me or something. And so, I did what any sane person would do, and I screamed for help.

I had only been screaming my lungs out for about a half a second, when suddenly there was a man\ in front of me and tape over my mouth, muffling my screams to the point where only the creepy men and I could hear it.

I'm screwed. Seriously, three wishes would be great right about now. One wish? Half a wish? ...Please?

"Hey, don't cry pretty lady, we're not gonna hurt you. We wouldn't want to scar that pretty face of yours." The one who put tape over my mouth said slowly, trying to be.... seductive?

I suddenly noticed the tears slipping away from my eyes. I pried away at the grey tape, but when they noticed what I was doing they tied my hands and ankles together with a thick and scratchy rope. I couldn't do anything and they were going to torture me forever with no escape and everyone would think I was stupid for letting myself get captured by these big idiots and I would kill myself to get out of my misery and I would never be free from the trauma of the experience even in the afterlife and-

I can't think like this. I needed to get out now, but I knew it was impossible. The creepy men were trying to get me to calm down, but I just sobbed. I needed help desperately, or I wasn't coming out of this alive.

<Meliodas's Pov>

Man, vacation is great. Laying down and playing on your phone while your parents are asleep, not even caring if you wake up at 3 pm. Peace and quiet, besides the annoyingly loud snoring of your brother next to you. This is (almost) heaven.

Well, until I heard a high pitched shriek that sounded like it wasn't very far away from my hotel. Well great, I jinxed myself. The scream sounded unnaturally short, like it had forcefully stopped. While it could just be some 12-year-olds thinking they're cool by sneaking out at night, my gut said that this wasn't right. I threw on my jacket and quietly but quickly slipped out of the door. I all but ran towards the exit of the hotel I was staying at, earning a weird look from the lady at the reception desk. I stepped out into the surprisingly cool night air and sprinted towards the general direction of the scream.

<Elizabeth's Pov>

I tried everything. I tried struggling out of the ropes, but I'm basically as strong as a flower so that ultimately failed. I tried screaming through the tape, but they had put multiple layers on it so all I did was draw attention from the guys who were apparently playing a card game, waiting for something. I had tried telepathically asking for help from someone who might be nearby, but that's not how science works so it inevitably failed. I even tried Mario style jumping on their heads to knock them out or at least get out of the alley, even with my ankles tied, but I can only jump 2 feet so that failed too. All I did was anger them. 

I prepared myself for the miserable life I was going to have from here onward, and I silently thanked everyone in my life for the happiness I've been surrounded by for so many years. But in the middle of thanking my pet pig for being such a nice friend to me, I saw a glint of light at the end of the alley.

That bright flash of light turned out not to be a fairy here to grant me a wish, but the moonlight reflecting off the blonde messy hair of a child.


Ahhhh, editing. What a wonderful thing. I'm just now realizing how often I use commas in unnecessary places. Well, mostly Grammarly's fixing that. I actually really enjoyed editing this crap from over a year ago that somehow earned me almost 12K reads and almost 200 followers. It really shows me how much I've grown as a person and as a writer. Hopefully I'll get this much support when I post a real book lol.

So while I'm editing this I might change a few major plot points (actually I'm pretty certain I will) so it's important for old readers to reread this as I post edited chapters. 

Btw, has anyone ever watched Clockwork Planet? It's actually really good, but I've never met anyone else who's seen it. Look it up on Youtube (or Crunchyroll or VRV, they have it too.)


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