So I Could See You Again

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Just some info this chapter is set up at the beginning of the school year. And theyre all sophomores cuz im too lazy to make them different ages.

*Throws new chapter at you* ENJOY! :3


<Meliodas's Pov>

I threw on the school uniform and ran downstairs. I smelled pancakes. "Hey sleepyhead, can you take out the trash?" Estarossa, the middle child, said. He was cleaning up the mess he made in the kitchen. Even though i'm oldest, he kinda took over as "parent." 

"Nope. See ya later, i'm going to school." I stuffed some pancakes in my face and exited the house. "Well he's helpful." I heard Zeldris mumble. Estarossa just sighed. "Zeldris, you take out the trash." "Seriously?" He groaned. I laughed.

Once I got to my new school, Liones Academy, I wandered around. I just moved here a few weeks ago, so I didn't really have a good idea of where everything is. I thought it would be a good idea to explore. I find this huge garden towards the back of the school. It looks pretty deserted, which is pretty surprising because it was absolutely gorgeous. There were fountains, flowers of every color and shade there is, and a perfectly structured gazebo. It was perfect for a picnic, a hangout, or even a date.

I'm so enchanted my this one spot that I barely hear the bell ring. Luckily, kids get really freaking loud when the bell rings, so the sound gets amplified by like 10 times. I hear it and quickly go to my class.

~-In Class-~

<Elizabeth's Pov>

As soon as I walked into class I walked over to a random desk and put my head down. I needed more sleep, as I went to bed at 3:00 AM thanks to those thugs. I didn't get much time to sleep though, as the teacher walked in as soon as I was drifting off.

"Hello class, I will be your teacher this year. My name is Miss Carr, do not call me Miss Vroom Vroom, Motorcycle, Truck, Beep Beep, Honk Honk, or Choo Choo if you like having a head." She introduced, earning a giggle from the class. She smiled. "Okay so first we need to get seating arrangements set straight before we do anything else, so if you all would please stand up and go against the wall." She ordered, and we all obliged.

The way the room was set up, it was pretty simple. If you were to stand behind the teacher's desk and look forward, there were 3 columns of desks. The rows of desks we're each in pairs.

"Good. Diane and Gowther, would you please sit here." Miss Carr pointed to a pair of desks in the front. Two students walked up and sat down. This process continued for a while until there was only four students left standing by the wall.

"Meliodas, Elizabeth, you sit here." She pointed at a pair of desks in the front half of the room. I nodded. Wait... MELIODAS!? I looked over to the other person that was also moving towards the assigned seats. It was the same boy.

For some reason, I wanted to run out of there and never come back in. But I just walked over to my new seat, putting on my best poker face. I really hope he didn't remember what happened three months ago, that would be embarrassing. The dreams that I'd had since that day crossed my mind. I struggled to keep a straight face. (Wut kind of dreams Elizabeth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

I sat down next to him and put my head back on the table. I tried to back to sleep, but I couldn't. Something wasn't right. There was this weird feeling I had... like a dark presence was near me... right next to me. I look to the direction of the strange presence and see Meliodas. He looked like he was really in a different world at the moment, he was just staring into space.

"Alright, since it's the first day, I will allow you to talk with the people around you. I will be over here... working. *cough cough* playing mystic messenger *cough cough*" The teacher said. We all just stared at her. "What's wrong? Are you all shy or something? Mingle! That is an order!" She said sternly. Everyone snapped into action and started to talk to each other. Some of the extroverted people walked around and introduced themselves to everyone, while the introverts just talked with the person they were paired with. I decided to talk to Meliodas, the strange presence I felt was completely gone now. I must have imagined it.

"So... um. H-Hi." I turned to Meliodas. I was stuttering again. I had a feeling that i was going to do that for a long time. "Hey. So, what's your name?" He said with a grin. My face instantly started turning pink. "I-I'm E-lizab-beth. W-What's y-yours?" I asked, attempting to hide my face by burying in in my arms on the table. Why was i acting like this? Usually i can walk right up to people and say hi. Why not now? Why with him?

"My name is Meliodas. So, I figured if we're gonna be paired for the rest of the year, then we might as well get to know each other, right? So... like, what hobbies do you have? What is your favorite food, song, color? Things like that, you know?" He smiles the biggest. brightest, and cutest smile I have ever seen. They could dye a tomato red but it would never live up to the redness on my face right now. The fact that I was blushing made me blush more and more, until there wasn't a single spot on my face that wasn't glowing red.

"Why are you covering your face? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry." He apologized, which only made my head turn into an erupting tornado. I swear my brain was going to melt if I didn't stop blushing soon. "N-No, it's j-just, I-I am r-really s-shy that's a-all. P-Please, c-continu-ue." I struggled to get out. I took multiple deep breaths. I am shy, but not this shy. What is wrong with me? He's just a boy. There is no reason to act this way Elizabeth! I yelled at myself in my head.

"Hmm... okay then." He started to explain himself. I learned a lot about him in just the 20 minutes we were given to talk. I stayed silent the whole time, but I was listening the whole time. "I think i'm kind of a hero. I once saved this girl from a bunch of thugs really late at night once, although I don't remember how. She was really cute though. I wonder what her name is." He said at one point. I was just starting to get comfortable with him talking to me, my sun head had dulled to a tomato head, but now it went back into a blistering ball of heat.

"I-I t-though you w-were on v-vaca-ation on that d-day. You s-said so, w-why are y-you h-ere?" I asked. It had been on my mind the whole time, I thought that this might be a good time to ask. He grinned. "I moved so I could see you again."

And then I died.



sorry no update yesterday i had writers block >.<

BUT IM BACK AND ITS BEAUTIFUL AND now i need to do the summer homework ive been avoiding all summer.... but yeah hope u enjoyed and stuff! 


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