Some Things You're Better Off Not Knowing

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So I bet you all are wondering what happened to Mina... WELL TOO BAD SHES BARELY IN THIS CHAPTER MWAHHAHAH

Oh but there's a teensy bit of fluff here so enjoy that :3

Also Meliodas is a closet perv, just so i keep it at least a little consistent with the anime and manga. I didn't want to make him a perv at first, but now that I am more comfortable with writing this I guess I'll give it a try. :D

Lesson of the day: The Beyblade animes are really over-exaggerated. Like seriously, it's a spinny thing. They talk to it like it can hear them and be motivated lol.


<Meliodas's Pov>


Boobies everywhere.

<Elizabeth's Pov>

I'll tell you one thing. Witnessing someone cut off someone's limbs is not very fun. Especially if you see it happen twice. Mina is probably scarred for life now. Literally.

Mina was unconscious, either from extreme pain, shock, or blood loss. Or any combination of the three. I don't really know. The other girls were screaming and trying to find an escape. I would of jumped out the window, but they wouldn't dare to ruin their 6 inch heels, plus they would ruin their "absolutely GORGEOUS hair!"

Even from that flashback, I still don't really know what happened to make Meliodas stop in his tracks. He just looked at me and the darkness faded? Should I just yell stop again? Worth a shot I guess. It can't get much worse than this anyways...

"MELIODAS!!! STOP!!!" I screamed.

He stared at me.

And stared some more.


And more silence.

And the black markings, as quickly as they had appeared, melted back into his skin. His eyes turned back into his usual emerald.

...Did that actually just work!?

<Meliodas's Pov>


NOO THE BOOBIES ARE GOOOONE!! I internally pouted. I was having so much fun...



I did it again, didn't I.



<Elizabeth's Pov>

I stared as Meliodas fell over and got that expression of pure agony back. Why does he always do that at the start and finish of his transformations? I wondered. This guy... he's a mystery. Eventually his body relaxed, and he lay there for a few seconds. Then he opened up his eyes, and sat back up, clutching his head in his hand. A headache?

<Meliodas's Pov>

Owwwwww ow ow ow...

My head felt like it was going to burst open at any second. I don't remember anything that just happened after I lost my temper. Knowing me though, I probably went on a rampage, and judging by the eyeball on the ground, I would say that's a pretty safe bet.

Elizabeth came running over to me, her expression was a combination of shock, confusion, amazement, concern, and fear. Fear. Oh I've really screwed up this time... she's gonna hate me now. Wonderful... just what I need.

"Meliodas! Are- Are you okay!?" She asked frantically, for once in her life not blushing like a maniac. "I think so... why does everything look like a tornado hit? And..." my voice trailed off. First I wake up to an arm, and now an eyeball. I gotta keep it cool...

"WHY THE HELL IS THERE AN EYEBALL ON THE FLOOR!?!?" I yelled, pretending I didn't know something. I looked all around the hallway, and saw the girls that were harassing Elizabeth all huddle together, looking like they thought the ceiling would collapse on them. Well, they would, if there was a ceiling.

"Er... you see... you... kinda... I... they..." She struggled to find words.

"Elizabeth, I need you to tell me everything that just happened. Everything." I say, putting on a serious face.

"But- I-" Elizabeth started.

"Please Elizabeth."

<Elizabeth's Pov>

I can't tell him the truth. I'm not sure he'd want to know if I told him. But... it might keep happening if he doesn't know that it's happening. I can't let innocent people get dragged into this. I shuddered thinking of the town in flames, dead bodies stacked in huge piles, and Meliodas being the one to blame.

I took the easy way out anyways (because I'm an idiot.)

"Oh, uh, look at the time, we should, er, go home! Right now! Yeah... c'mon!" I dragged Meliodas to the door. He is surprisingly heavy, even though he's so tiny.

"Elizabeth, I'm serious! What the hell happened back there!? I need to know the truth!" He said again, more fiercely this time. I heard sirens in the distance.

"Meliodas, we need to go, come on." I pleaded, not wanting to make him mad at me.

"Elizabeth, I'm not leaving until you tell why the hell the school is practically destroyed." He glared.

Oh no, I made him mad. I started shaking. Usually I'm not like this when someone gets mad, but I know what he's capable of.

Should I tell him? Or should I let this keep happening? On one hand, Meliodas could get angry at himself for turning into that monster again, but in the other, if I don't let him know about his... problem... he could be oblivious and not be able to even try to stop it, hurting who knows how many innocent people.

Of course, I'm an idiot, so I am incapable of choosing the logical option. So I spared his feelings.

<Meliodas's Pov>

"Meliodas, I'm sorry, but I don't think you'd want to know if I told you. Some things were better off not knowing." She said, shaking all over her body. "I'm going home, whether your coming or not." And she walked away.

Damn. She's too kind for her own good. I smiled. That's why I love her.

I got up and started walking home, reliving pleasant memories from a long time ago.

A very, very long time ago.



Uh oh they fought. Will Elizabeth ever not be a clumsy dumbass? Will Kirito ever stop running into cute girls and falling in love with them only to have them die in front of him? Is the sky blue? Those questions all have the same answer.

I just made like 3 references lol.

Anyways hope you liked it! :3


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