Hiss Hiss

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Shoutout to Gina_Panther for using my idea of Henry Pooter and making it a book XD I can't wait to read that

Anyways so yeah let's do this


<Elizabeth's Pov>

After everyone stopped fighting because of the magical Henry Pooter, everything was great again. I really admire Henry Pooter, for personal reasons. It seems like everyone enjoys Henry Pooter too, except for Ban who's snoring away on Diane's bed, which she wasn't very happy about but she let him sleep.

I went downstairs and made some popcorn for us all as quietly as I could, even though it was 3:00 in the morning. I don't think anyone will be sleeping tonight with all the candy that everyone brought. 

"I ship Bon x Chicken!" Meliodas shouted after the scene of Bon eating chicken like his life depended on it.

"No way, Bon x Mermione for liiiiife!" King said.

"What about Drane x Henry!?" Diane said, shocked that nobody else shipped it.

"You really don't have any straight ships, do you Diane..." Merlin said.

"NOPE! Only one!"

"Well what is it?" Meliodas asked. Diane giggled.

"You and Elizabeth."

<Author-sama's Pov>

Elizabeth's face exploded into a tomato. 

"W-Wha!? T-That's not fair! We're real life p-people, you can't ship r-real people!" Elizabeth struggled.

"Yes I can!" Diane teased, sticking her tongue out with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh Elizabeth~" Meliodas called out like she was some sort of pet. "Here, pretty pretty princess!"


Meliodas jumped into Elizabeth's lap and snuggled in, "accidentally" stuffing his face in between her boobs. Diane was laughing hysterically like a hyena or something. Elizabeth was too embarrassed to say or do anything, her face looking like a tomato puked on her. Meliodas looked up and smiled the cutest smile ever to Elizabeth, then turned around and continued watching the movie with a smirk on his face, taking Elizabeth's limp arms and wrapping them around himself.

<Elizabeth's Pov>


<Meliodas's Pov>

I internally was running through fields with cloudless skies and dancing unicorns. However, I knew this could be perfect if I had Hawk Mama with the Boar Hat on her back, with Hawk scolding me for groping Elizabeth. Diane would be playing tag with King, Ban would be drinking his ass off, Merlin and Gowther having one of their nerd sessions inside the tavern. Elizabeth would be serving customers and I would have to save her from pervert guys who wanted to "have some fun" with her. (Like you you mean)

"AWWWWW YOU GUYS ARE SOOOOO CUUUUTE!!" Diane fangirled. (Yes phone, fangirled IS a word!)

"S-shut up Diane!" Elizabeth said.

"Awww, do you not like me? I can go away if you want..." I fake pouted.

"W-what!? N-no, you don't have t-to do that, I-I'm just a bit... surprised?" Elizabeth stammered, the last word sounding like a question more than a statement.

"Good! I would be sad if you didn't like me, you are my whole purpose of living after all!" I snuggled into her like a small child.


"Meliodas, stop teasing the poor girl. She's all flustered now. Plus, I can't hear the movie." Merlin complained, although she did have a smirk on her face.

"Whatever you say, Merlin." I saluted her and continued to watch Henry Pooter stick his wand up a troll's nose.

~<Time Skip brought to you by Meliodas's hair that sticks up>~

~<10 am>~

"Sweetie, why don't you and your friends come upstairs and have some breakfast?" Diane's mom asked.

"Mom, we ate so much last night and we still have food left. Plus, Ban puked twice, King had to go to the bathroom like 60 times last night, Elizabeth looks like she might throw up in a minute here, and Merlin ate so much she can't stop eating anymore. I think we're good." Diane argued.

"Well damn okay then." Diane's mom shit the door on the way out.

~<Another short time skip brought to you by King's tiny wings>~

"Diane, why don't you come out and-" Mina started.


"Fuck you too." Mina slammed the door and went to play dress-up with her little friends.

"Hmm... interesting. I've never seen such a human who didn't care about anyone else before. This is excellent informational data." Gowther said, but all I heard was "Mina's a buttface and other nerdy words."

"Whatever. Just keep watching the movie. Drane is about to have his super emotion but somehow really hot scene in the bathroom!" Diane practically screeched.

"Only you would be excited about that." King said.

"Shut up" Diane giggled and punched King softly, which ended up knocking him halfway across the room. "Whoops! Sorry..."

~<Yet another time skip brought to you by Waddles the pig>~

"Awww, I don't want you guys to go!" Diane pouted.

Everyone had their bags and we're about to head home, except for Ban who was on his way to die in a bush or something.

"I don't wanna leave either, Diane, but I have to go. It's been really fun with you guys!" Elizabeth ran over to Diane and gave her a hug.

"Even though you were forced to kiss everybody except for Meliodas?" Diane raised her eyebrow.

"Stop it Diane!"

"I was only saying the truuuuth!~" Diane laughed.

I stuck up behind Elizabeth and hugged her from behind. "I'm sure gonna miss you Elizabeth! Just don't miss me too much because then I'd be sad!" (Omg I almost typed Bugaboo)

Elizabeth jumped. "Y-Y-Yeah! Uh, y-you too?" I laughed.

"Goodbye everyone! Make sure to actually sleep tonight! Ban, get out of my bush!" Diane waved to everyone as they walked out.

"Who wants chili!!" Diane's dad yelled from the kitchen.

"Dad get that gross chill out of my face! I need a salad so I don't get fat like Miss Fangirl over there." Mina demanded.

<Diane's Pov>

Oh boy. Not this again.


Welp. I tried, this is kinda last minute so sorry if it sucked or got a bit boring XD I wanted to post this at exactly midnight and be awesome but nOPE.

Now go read whatever other fanfiction you were reading before! Shoo! XD

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