Unknown Feelings

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Im back again! Ik that i said every other day but its probably gonna be like 2 a day cuz I have nothing better to do XD

Im not wasting any time ranting now so enjoy my newbie writing XD


<Elizabeth's Pov>

I stared at his eyes for a moment. They were a beautiful shade of green, it grabbed my attention and plunged me into a state of complete peace.

"Hellooooo, anyone home?" The owner of the eyes said, waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped back to reality. I blushed. "Er, sorry. I-I was distracted for a m-moment. Deep in thought, t-that's all." I replied. I blushed more. Why did I stutter?

"Okaaaaay, well, mind telling me what just happened? I heard a scream and I came running, I saw you and some thugs in this alley and then it gets fuzzy." He explains. He doesn't remember any of that? I shiver at the thought of those pitch black, unforgiving orbs.

"Oh, I should probably get you out of this rope first, before you explain anything. Here." He cuts the ropes with a pocket knife. "T-Thanks." I slowly stand up and stretch. I check the time on my phone that has been hiding in my pocket this whole time. However, my phone is a fatal beam of light, so I squeeze my eyes shut, lose my balance and fall over. I braced myself for the impact that never came.

"You need to be more careful. That would've hurt if I hadn't been here to catch you." The boy says. "O-Okay. T-Thank you." He picked me up bridal style and asked where I live. I blushed madly and told him. He carried me all the way to my house, I was amazed he could carry me that far and not break a sweat.

About halfway there I realized that I just told a total stranger, whom I don't even know the name of, where I live. My face was a glowing tomato now. The wind suddenly decided to get to work, and I got a face full of icy air. I buried my face in the boys chest, it was warm and I felt safe in his arms. I don't know why, but this boy just made me feel... something I never had felt before with anyone else. It made me blush, it made me feel butterflies in my stomach, it made me feel eternal bliss.

Seriously Elizabeth? He's a child!  You can't be feeling this when he's like seven years old! A nagging voice in my head said. It was the same voice that kept me doing my homework and taking care of myself, and not just on my bed playing on my phone 24/7, eating pockies. (Wut is the plural of pocky? ;-;)

Well he said he's not a kid... the irresponsible part of me said. It was the same voice that made me stay in bed for five more minutes or sit on the couch to watch TV for several hours at a time, instead of going outside to play with my friends. The two voices battled each other to the death until it was giving me a headache, and I eventually just asked him.

"U-Um... d-did you m-mean it w-when y-you said that y-you aren't a k-kid?" I struggled to ask, my stutter was getting worse by the second. I assumed I was just tired and it was cold. "Why does nobody ever believe me. No, i'm not a kid." He answered, apparently not affected by someones face stuffed into his chest.

"Why are you so short then?" I blurted without thinking about it, But I instantly regretted it. "N-no! Y-You don't have t-to a-answer that! I w-was t-talking without t-thinking! I'm s-so sorry!" I rambled, trying to cover it up. He didn't answer, and my face turned into the sun. I covered my face with my hands out of embarrassment.

"Here we go! The Meliodas Express has arrived at it's destination!" He said, coming to a stop in front of a huge gate, with a large sign that said "Liones Family" at the top. He gently put me back on my own feet.  "Wow, your house is big. Kinda reminds me of mine. Anyways, have a nice life. Don't get captured by thugs again. Goodbye." He send, pivoting on his heel and going back the direction we came. My face was still a tomato, so I just said nothing, knowing that I would stutter and it would take me 20 minutes to say a single word. I started opening the gate, when I heard him say something else.

"Oh and by the way, i'm not short. I'm just fun-sized." He looked back with a grin on his face. I stood there for a moment, then burst out laughing like a hyena. "T-That has to be the f-funniest joke I've ever heard in a long t-time." I barely got out, my laughing was so intense. My laughs soon turned into a coughing fit. He grinned adorably and walked away. I got over my coughs and opened the gate as quietly as I could, slipping into the house and quietly entering my room. I sunk into the fluffy bed, and let my thoughts wander adrift.

I wonder why he's so short. His eyes are beautiful. Will I ever see him again? It's hot in here. What's his name? The last one caught my attention. I scrolled through every conversation we'd had in my head. 'The Meliodas Express has arrived at it's destination!' I remembered. I smiled. Meliodas is a pretty name, was my last thought before I drifted off to Dreamland Theater, where the subject of the night was Meliodas.

~-3 Months Later-~

<Meliodas's Pov>

"MELIODAS WAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPP" Was heard throughout the neighborhood. "5 more minutes" I groaned. I really didn't want to wake up.

That was until I got an unexpected cold bath, courtesy of my younger brother Zeldris. I jumped out of bed and full on sprinted to the bathroom and took a shower. "DON'T EVEN THINK OF DOING THAT EVER AGAIN ZELDRIS YOU HEAR ME!?" I yelled. "Yeah yeah just get ready it's the first day of school." He responded, failing to hold back his laughter.


Okay so sorry this is kinda short (and rushed) but i got some fluff int here so I hope u r happy >.< ;-;

I just can't write i'm so confused on the order of the brothers. The fandom wiki says Meliodas is oldest but everywhere else says Estarossa is? idk anymore

Anyway thank u guys so much for the support I really love every single comment I get on these chapters :3

The internets is being mean ;-;


Love Can't Be Cured (Nanatsu No Taizai Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें