Spin the Bottle (SPECIAL CHAPTER)

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Um so

I have




Also it's mostly in Diane's Pov, just to let you know.

Lesson of the Day: Dont be afraid to share your thoughts. If people judge you, well screw them it's their problem. Don't let people treat you like crap.

Wow I am such a hypocrite.


<Meliodas's Pov>

I slept in every class. It's not like I need to pay attention, it's not important. All that is important to me is getting out of here, and to protect Elizabeth.

I just sounded really cliche, but I don't care. There's nothing you can do about the truth. And I would die before I betrayed that truth.

I know those aren't just empty words, because I've done it before.

-~Time Skip to Saturday at Noon~-

<Diane's Pov>

"Alright, now that everybody's here, who wants to play a game?" I asked cheerfully. Everybody nodded.

"Any ideas?" I asked. I hadn't really planned this whole thing out yet, whoopsie!

Gowther raised his hand. "Gowther, you don't have to raise your hand, were not in class anymore silly! But what's your suggestion?"

"Spin the Bottle is a popular game at sleepovers with large groups of people, is it not?" He said in his usual emotionless voice.

"We'll play that later, when it's night time. I want to play outside while the sun is still up!" I responded. (Lol just realized they didn't even go outside after she said this. Woops! XD)

"I know it's childish, but what if we had a staring contest?" Meliodas offered.

"Okay, we'll start with that then!" I said, clapping my hands, making the room shake.

"Whoops. Anyways, Gowther!" I said, pointing at Gowther as if giving an order.

"On it." He replied. He started making a chart, like the one they use at big  tournaments.

 He started making a chart, like the one they use at big  tournaments

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(This is what I mean lol)

The First Rounds we're Meliodas vs. Ban, Gowther vs. Merlin, and Diane vs King, and Elizabeth would join the second round. For now she was the referee.

Once everyone was set up, Elizabeth started the matches with a "Ready, Set, GO!"

Everyone started staring. Gowther blinked almost immediately. "Gowther, you're out!" Elizabeth called.

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