Saved by a child

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I'm back...

So I'm gonna try to update this at least once every other day so look forward to that if anyone even reads this XD at least until school starts and then it'll be every week, cuz school sucks and I actually have to do stuff >.< Oh and thanks for 6 reads on "Help" XD More than expected. Wow that's sad ;-; 

Anyway enjoy, my 6 readers XD


<Elizabeth's Pov>

There as a blonde boy at the entrance of the alley.

"Run!" I tried to scream to the kid, but nobody could understand by screams since there was still tape over my mouth. Great, now we're both screwed.

<Thugs' Pov>

Who the hell is this kid?!

<Meliodas's Pov>

The scene that was in front of me was horrifying. There was an innocent looking girl tied up with tape over her mouth, and these creepy dudes were just smiling at her like 5 year olds looking at candy. People can be so disgusting... and on my vacation too. So much for peaceful. I thought to myself. (I know in the anime/manga he's a perv but for the sake of my sanity in writing this he's not)

"You know, it's not nice to gang up on a girl." I said with a blank face.

The thugs looked blankly at me for a moment. Then they started laughing like I just said this brilliant joke. I tilted my head to the side a little. I was very confused.

"I'm not kidding. You need to learn some manners." I said with the same expression. The girl was staring at me like I was a madman.

The thugs' expressions suddenly changed to a serious glare. "Hey look kid, you better get out of here before you meet the same fate as this bitch." One thug said, whom I supposed was the leader. He stood up and glared at me. I simply stood there.

"I'm not a kid." Is all I said. He glared harder, I found it amusing. "And what is this fate you speak of? Just curious." He grinned. "We're gonna sell her, isn't that what women are for? All they can do is look pretty and clean, after all. Anyway, get out of here kid. This isn't your place."

"I told you, i'm not a kid."

"Bitch, what do you mean, you're not a kid? Look at that tiny body of yours. And what are you wearing, is that a pirate costume? Did you lose your hat to the wind on the way to mommy?" He mocked. His minions laughed like that was the funniest joke in the world. It really wasn't.

"You think that's funny? You guys really are sick. Why are you picking on this weak ass girl? You really could be doing something worth your time and effort." I said calmly. Now the girl just looked frightened, like we were both gonna die. Fat chance. (Okay i'm really bad at comebacks don't mock me ;-;)

"You bitch." He looked like he was gonna say something else, but I cut him off. "Yes, we've already established this. I'm a bitch, according to you anyway, which your opinion is't very reliable, as you just said women are made to look pretty and work." I said, still with my poker face. He got so angry, I almost started laughing.

"Let's end this quickly, shall we?"

<Elizabeth's Pov>

"Lets end this quickly, shall we?" He had the same poker face as before except there was this weird black swirly thing above his right eye. I didn't know why, but it made me feel frightened and uneasy. I shivered, both from the cold and his scary aura.

The thug punched him in the face. At least he attempted to. Somehow, the little boy blocked it with his palm. He then flicked the man's forehead and he ended up flying to the other side of town, eventually face planting on someones roof, which turned out to be a greenhouse and he fell straight through the glass. A shriek of pain could be heard from the distance.

I stared at the boy. Is it even possible to have that much power?

The kid didn't stop for a second. He moved on to the next thug, which he grabbed by the foot and effortlessly tossed him into one of the others, and they both ended up flying into the distance Team Rocket style. I even saw a little white sparkle when they went out of sight.

He grabbed one's wrist and spun him around so fast his pants flew off, and then threw him over to the general direction of the mall.

That left just the leader and one of his minions, the first being mad as hell, and the other being scared as hell.

"I'll see myself out..." The minion said as he sprinted down the road. The leader wouldn't back down so easily though.

"You'll PAY FOR THIS!!" He screamed and attempted to punch him the gut. The boy simply grabbed his fist and flipped him over him, making him crash into the ground. I swear I heard a crack.

But he wouldn't give up. The thug grabbed the boys hair and held him up and started repeatedly punching him with his free hand. The boy simply hung there, seemingly unaffected. "SCREAM IN PAIN YOU BITCH WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU! ANYONE ELSE WOULD BE BEGGING FOR MERCY BY NOW WHAT THE HELL!!!" He flung the kid into a brick wall. When the dust cleared the boy was grinning.

And that's when the pitch black marks started growing on the boy's skin.



I tried to make this long and I think i failed, and it's kinda rushed. I'm sorry ;-;

My first chapter has 11 reads already :3 Thank u so much guys that means a lot. *Idol (meow_mix) has several thousand views on each of her stories* Welp.

Anyways its a good start for my bad writing hope u enjoy ima go waste my life some more byeeeee :3

Love Can't Be Cured (Nanatsu No Taizai Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora