Meliodas Really Screwed Up

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Sorry I haven't updated recently, life kinda hit me in the face. I also am suffering from when a sled hit me in the face in kindergarten, apparently it messed up all my teeth and one of them took a really wrong turn.

Long story short, I ended up with a tooth in my chin which recently got surgically removed.

But hey, at least I had an excuse to lay down and binge the new season of A Series of Unfortunate Events 👍

Lesson of the Day: Don't get hit in the face with a sled.


<Meliodas's Pov>

They are monsters. They are my enemy. They will not be spared. I hate them. They will die.

I will find them.

I will kill them.

<Elizabeth's Pov>

I looked hopelessly at the sky, waiting for him to come down so I could talk to him.

Talking didn't work before though, so what the heck am I supposed to do!?

Suddenly, he dived into a broken window of a bakery I loved. After this is over, I'll definitely go get some cinnamon buns.

A scream. I sprinted, or the closest thing to that I could manage at the time, over to the bakery, and there was Meliodas, ready to stab a certain brown haired girl with an eyepatch.

"MINA!" I grabbed Meliodas's arm and pulled, keeping it from peircing Mina's skin.

"Run! And don't stop until youre out of tow- AH!" Meliodas easily forced his way out of my grasp and with one flap of his giant wings, created a force of wind so strong it sent me and Mian flying into opposite side of the room.

"I don't take orders from you! I will handle this like a lady." Mina flipped her hair and picked up the box of donuts she dropped.

"Hey big monster, I'll give you a donut if you let me free and kill that ugly girl over there instead." Mina smiled sweetly and held out the box, as if it was a peace offering.

...Is this girl for real!?

Meliodas completely ignored her "generous" offer and immediately started shifting his pitch black marks into a giant black axe.

I did the only thing I could in that moment.

I jumped in front of her at the last second.

A flash of just darkness.

And then it ended.




She died! And for real this time.

No, of course this isn't the end!

If you're bored, check out my oneshot book, I have a Meliodas x reader rn, but if you request something I'll definitely write it in my free time! (Which I suddenly have a lot of)

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed another very short chapter, byeeee!

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