Chapter 7

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Lindsey's POV

She locked the door behind me. Why? I sobbed a bit quieter now. But I was still sobbing on the ground.

"Are you ok Linds?" Shay asked.

"K-kinda." I replied still with a wobbly voice.

"Kinda huh? Well, you're gonna feel even better after this."

WTF is she talking about?

Troian's POV

We were all talking and I decided to check on Lindsey and Shay. I tried to unlock the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Hey guys! Need some help here!" I shouted to get their attention.

All of us started to bang on the door with our hands.

"HEY GUYS! OPEN UP!!!" Ashley shouted.

"Shay? Lindsey?? Open up please!?" Sasha asked.

"COME ON!!! OPEN!!" Lucy yelled.

"Guys. Come on. Stop playing with us and FREAKIN OPEN THE DOOR!" I yelled.

They still wouldn't budge.

"Hey Ashley, can I use this sledgehammer to whack the door open. I promise to buy you a new bathroom door." I asked.

"Uh ok. That's the weirdest request from a while but sure. BUT, YOU BETTER PAY FOR THE FREAKIN DOOR! It cost a lot of money for one door." Ashley warned.

"Ok, ok. We know Ash." I replied.

I used the sledgehammer like a boss. And when I did open that door, my face went PALE! AND SHOCK!


Hey guys. What made Troian's face pale and shocked? Well, read the next book to find out. It'll be VERY shocking. Leave a comment down below of what you guys think made Troian's face in shock and pale and what you guys thought about the chapter. Don't forget to vote!😜

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