Chapter 19

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Shay's POV

When I said to Ashley that I would meet her at her house, that was a white lie. I went in to check on Sasha. I just HAD to see her. After when she 'rejected' my kiss I gave her, I had to know why. When I arrive to the house, I fancied up a bit, just to make a good appearance. When I ring the doorbell, Hudson opened up.
"Hey Shay, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Oh, I just wanted to check on Sasha. We're supposed to meet up at Ashley's place." I replied.

"Ok, but Sasha's been locked up in her room for like half an hour. I keep trying to ask her what's wrong but she just wants me to go away. Maybe you could get her to open up?" Hudson asked.

"Sure. No problem." I replied.

Ashley's POV

I walked to our doorstep, I ring the doorbell but no answer. I get my keys to the house and unlock it and walk inside the house. I walk into our room and see MY boyfriend Tyler making out with, WAIT WHAT!? Vanessa!?

"TYLER!?" I yell. And Tyler jumps right off of Vanessa.

"I can explain-" I cut Tyler off.


"WE'RE THROUGH!" I yelled while sobbing.

"Wait, BA-!" Tyler scram but I but him off. " DON'T CALL ME BABE! EVER AGAIN!" I yell at him and walk out of the door. I get in my car with red and puffy eyes regardless because i promised to check on Lindsey.

Vanessa's POV

When Ashley went out of the door and slam it, I felt something weird in my chest.

"I think uh, I should get going..." I said unexpectedly sadly.

"Ok." Tyler said.

I put on my shirt and get in my car. As I'm driving, I just sobbed. What did I do? What did I do to my... well. ARGH! I bang my head on the steering wheel once.

"What was I thinking!" I whisper while sobbing.

I drive to Ashley's house to apologize. And I see 2 more cars. Must be Shay, Ashley, Sasha, Lucy, and Troian. I knock at Ashley's door and see Ashley at the door.

"Before you close the door on me, I want to say I'm SUPER sorry." I say," I was just caught up in the moment. That's all. It was my fault. You probably will get back with him anyway." But when I said that, I felt a pain in my chest for no reason. If she ever did, it would be jealously flowing around my body. I was about to walk away when Ashley stopped me.

"Why don't you join my 2 week left sleepover?" She offered. I just couldn't turn down.

"Sure." I reply. I hope I don't regret this choice.


Hey guys! I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. I think this is the longest chapter updated so far. I'm sorry for the late update AGAIN! I know, I'm really sorry. I'll try to update as much as possible. Don't forget to comment of what you guys thought about this chapter! I can't believe you guys got to 1.4k view! Thanks you guys!

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