Chapter 17

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Heads up guys! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THE 700 VIEWS! I know it doesn't sound like alot but to me, it means sooo much to me! thanks guys! Love you guys!


Sasha's POV

Leave L.A. for a couple of weeks!? NOOOO!!! SHAY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I wish I could say that though. But I also love Husdon.

"Well, guys, we had a first week of sleepover disaster!" I said," I mean, Lindsey's in a hospital bed, Shay might leave L.A. for a couple of weeks and ARGH!"

Ashely look at me in agreement with the Shay might leave L.A. for a couple of weeks.

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE SHAY!" I practically yelled at her with my knees on the floor with the 'begging position. Shay looked at me with confused eyes. But then, she said,

"Ok fine. But just this once."

"Thank you so much!" I thanked while hugging her legs.

"Your welcome. Now, come here!" Shay said.

I rushed to her arms. And then Shay did the unexpected. She came and cupped my cheeks and smack her lips right on my lips. It felt so MAGICAL!!! It just happened all again when we played spin the bottle. All my dreams came true when she kissed me. But then I remembered that I was Hudson's wife. I pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I just can't." Then I ran away.

Shay's POV

D-d-did Sasha just reject my kiss? I think my eyes were getting glassy so I excused myself to the bathroom. Why did she reject my kiss?! RIGHT! She has the douchebag Hudson.

"Shay?" A voice asked.

Ashley's POV

I got REALLY jealous when Shay kissed Sasha. But when Sasha rejected the kiss, I saw Shay's eyes get glossy, I instantly felt bad for my Buttah. So I followed Shay to the bathroom. When she entered the stall in the bathroom, I followed too. She locked herself in the stall before I could enter.

"Come on Shay, open the door." I said softly.

"No!" She sobbed.

"Come on! ButtahBenzo!" I said.

"Go away!" Shay still sobbed.

"Just at least open the door?" I asked.

"F-f-fine." She stuttered quietly while sobbing. Shay opened the door and I instantly went in. When I walked in, I locked the door.

"Wh-what are you doing." Shay stuttered a bit while a bit of sobbing.

"This." I said...


Hey guys! Sorry for the LATE update. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And what was Ashley gonna do? Don't forget to comment on this chapter and don't forget to leave a vote!

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