Chapter 10

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Ashley's POV

I woke up and I realized I was the first to wake up. Yes! But then, I saw Sasha and Shay spooning each other. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! That just wanted me to make me barf. EW! Then, Troian woke up.

"Hey Troi." I said

"Hey." Troian said in a tired voice.

"Can you Pwease cook?" I begged, "I so hungwey!"

"Ok," Troian said, "Just give me a minute." Troian said stretching her arms.

Shay's POV

I woke up with the sounds of sizzles and the look of Sasha.

"Goood morning." I said in a whisper voice while taking a piece of her hair and putting it behind her ear.

"Good morning." Sasha said with her eyes closed but with her smile that showed her dimples.

She looked so adorable.

"Eh hum." Ashley clearing her throat.

"Get up you two lovebirds and try getting a room." Ashley said annoyed as she rolled her eyes.

But I didn't want to leave Sasha's arms. They were so warm.

Sasha's POV

When I woke up, I realized that Shay slept next to me. But she woke up first because her eyes were half open.

I smelled breakfast and heard sizzles. I'm guessing Troian is cooking breakfast.

"Come on dummies! Breakfast is here!" Troian yelled to try to wake up everyone.

Lucy started to wake up and walk up towards Troian.

"Hello." Lucy said in a tired voice.

She wrapped her arms around Troian's waist as she was cooking.

"Is something going on between you two?" Ashley asked childishly.

Lucy started at Troian and visa versa.

"Of course not." Lucy said.


Hey guys! Is something going on with Lucy and Troian? Do you think she sounded unsure? Don't forget to leave a comment down below of what you thought about this chapter and don't forget to vote!

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