Chapter 24

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Shay's POV

I saw... Vanessa kiss Ashley?!?! WHY!? Wait a minute. Does Vanessa like Ashley? That might be it but who know? I see Ashley walk away slowly with a shocked face with a smile that was barley recognizable but I noticed with a very light shade of pink on her lips. She walks the wrong direction hitting the wall she was walking towards. Oh Ashley. She jumps a bit out of her thoughts and i hear her saw ow. She then walks fast on the other direction she was currently facing. She then runs to my direction and stops right in front of me. I snap my fingers 2 times and she snaps out of her trance. Man, what's with her mind?

Sasha's POV

Shay just kissed me... WHAT?! SHE KISSED ME!? WTF! WHY?! I got a fucking boyfriend! But the kiss did feel nice. STOP! You have a boyfriend who is gonna be your husband next year! Ugh. Love is so complicated. It's like hell to me. Maybe not to others but to me IT IS like hell. Shay and Hudson. Fuck love triangles.

Then all of a sudden, I have the urge to puke and I run to the bathroom as fast as I can but I'm too late. All of the food I ate came out of me. I see Lucy and Troian run up to me. I curled up to a ball and sobbed out loudly as the puke puddle next to me is getting cleaned up by Troian as Lucy is rubbing my back in comfort. I see in my blurry vision a brunnette as I assume as Shay and a blonde as I assume as Ashley. They get close quickly which looks like a kiss. I have the urge to cry even more if that's possible. I just couldn't keep it inside me. I cry even harder. Why does this have to happen on me? I hear Troian say something.
"We need to take you to the ER now." She says it sternly and seriously. I was always felt like the outsider in the group but I was surprised by Troian's action to help me.

I get in the car along with Lucy holding a bucket just incase I puke again, Shay, Ashley, and Vanessa. I sit in the passenger seat while Troian takes the initiative to drive all of use. The other 4 were in the back trying to cram each one of them to fit into a 3 seat back. As Troian drives us to the ER, I have the time to think. What's wrong with me?


A longer chapter as promised! Thank you guys for supporting this story. I apericitate that very much! As always, PLEASE VOTE! Take the time to make this story more recognizable to other people. As always, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!

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