Chapter 32

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"It can't be her," Eren shakily spoke.
"It is," Hanji sighed. "And we know how to prove it,"
"How?" Eren growled.
"Listen, every person in the three branches knows about Mikasa's skill, yours too Eren but her skill is well known. And Annie wouldn't want to go anywhere with you if Mikasa was around," Hanji explained.
"If she is a Titan, and we accuse her, yet she still won't go anywhere with you with Mikasa, then she's the bitch that killed dozens of Scouts." Levi butted in.
"When will the plan be put into place?" Eren asked, rather shakily.
"Soon, nkt sure exactly when, but soon," Hanji informed.
"Alright," Eren walked out of Erwin's office. Heading for some coffee on the early Tuesday morning.
Eren sipped his coffee in the dining area, he was the only one up. He pondered the likeliness of it being her... and it seemed like it probably was she was the only explanation to who it could be. Literally every question was answered with her. It hurt him for it to be like that. But if it was her he had to find out. And if it was... he'd kill her.
A few minutes later, Jean, walked in, he yawned and sat down next to Eren after grabbing his own mug. Jean's hair was frazzled, uncharacteristically in every direction. Jean was usually the one that stayed nice and tidy in front of the ladies. Of course, while Jean stood a chance with some, many of them knew what he was like, and turned their heads in the other direction.
"Mornin,'"Jean yawned.
"Mornin'" Eren shot back. The gray light shone through the freakishly clean windows. Levi was weird about that. It was a cloudy and gloomy day, the fire place did nothing for the freezing cold in the air. Eren shivered slightly, still in his night clothes. An old shirt and some long old soft pants.
Jean was already in his gear, and Eren was wishing he had done the same.
"Do you think I have a shot with Krista?" Jean asked him.
"I don't know, maybe," Eren replied. He had been trying to keep his love life a secret, and had done so succesfully so far.
"She's so nice, I hope she likes me back," Jane mumbled dreamily, his chin on his hand.
"I don't know," Eren muttered back, taking another sip of his warm coffee.
"Maybe even Sasha," Jean was talking more to himself than to Eren.
Now Eren was getting slightly irritated. They were his girls. Jean shouldn't be thinking like this. He would go along with it as long as he could, he did owe Jean a solid for saving his ass. So in a way, Eren was repaying that debt by not beating his ass into the ground.
Eren sighed, and eventually Hanji came down, a skip in her step. Eren wished he could hide himself in the empty dining are, but she was already behind him, crushing his shoulders with her rather strong grip. She was completely different than when she had been in Erwin's office merely minutes before. A traditional battle sword sheathed to her waiste... strange.
"Come on, Eren!" She cheered. She yanked him outside, making him spill his coffe on Jean, who screamed in pain as it landed on his hand.
"What the hell?!" Eren questioned as she dragged him by the shirt to the open fields of the land of Wall Rose.
"Shift!" She commanded.
"I ca-"
"Okay!" She suddenly pulled out the sword she had sheathed to her waiste.
She swung vertically at him, trying to cleave him down the middle. He narrowely dodged the blade, jumping back. She followed, going for a horizantal slice. This one got his abdomen, cutting his muscles. He fell to one knee, clutching his abdomen as he screamed in pain.
Another vertical slice came his way, he barely managed to roll away, but the strain caused more blood to flow out. She laughed maniacally as she jabbed.
Titan strength, he thought. He sidestepped, evading the jab, and shoved her. Hard. His Titan strength sent her flying a few dozen yards. She lay there. Unconcious. And he was about to join her. Eren immediately fell to the ground, the pain from his injuries catching up to him. The last thing he saw was the steam starting to rise.
"Where am I?!" Eren roared as he awoke in a cold, dank, room. He moved around, but after a few feet his chains kept him from moving. He could barely see the bars of the cell it was so dark.
"The Utopia district," a cold voice he had never heard answered.
"What the hell did I do?!" Eren shouted, he had only been awake for a few seconds.
"Assaulted a superior officer," replied the cold voice. "And showed some more of your freakish Titan crap," he added.
''Hanji," Eren's voice rose as he said her name.
"Yeah you broke three of her ribs," another voice chimed in. Obviously younger than the man who had originally answered.
"The qsycho bitch came at me with a sword!" Eren whined.
"That's what they all say," the younger one said.
"Wait what?" Eren asked. They all say "The qsycho bitch came at me with a sword,"?
"It's true," the cold voice spoke.
"Really?" Eren was surprised.
"Really," the cold voice had gotten warmer.
"Sit tight for the next month or so, we'll bring you food when we feel like it," the younger one snarked before walking out the other man just behind him. They went up a spiral stone stair case, and out a wooden door, and were gone.
Eren sat there for two days, thankful they had put a bucket in there. He would be there for a while. But after two mkre days of no food, Eren was starving. He didn't expect to survive. He was so malnourished that steam stopped rising from his feet when he cut them on the jagged rock covered floor.
Just when he had lost all hope of ever eating food. Even God-knows-what-soup would have been good . But right when all hope was gone. Annie Leonhardt came to the rescue... with food leftover from the kitchen trashcan. Eren didn't even greet her, he yanked the tray from her between the cell bars and devoured it. A rotten apple core, old sandwiches. Everything. And Annie didn't judge him one bit. She sat in a chair in the corner.
Her usual hateful expression was... gone. The resting bitch face was gone. It was replaced with a lookof child like fear, and sadness to match. When Eren was done with his feral eating. He wiped his face and walked as close as he could get. He wasn't sure how he got so far with the chains when he grabbed the food from her.
She opened her mouth and started to speak...

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