He Hurts You On Accident

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"Ethan!" You screamed through the house, "Ethhhh!" You had been looking for Ethan for a couple minutes now. Usually, he'd be in his bedroom, or he'd be in the kitchen. He wasn't in either room.

You had some very important news for him, and you couldn't find him at all. There were no noises anywhere. It actually felt like you were home alone.

"Ethan Grant Dolan!" You screamed, "Hey get your ass down here now!"

Suddenly, you heard loud pounding coming from behind you, so you spun around quickly smiling, seeing that it was Ethan. He slowed to a stop, his hair looked rough, you shook your head looking at him.

"Yeah babe?"

"Where were you?" You asked curiously.

"Sorry, I was in the bathroom, I've been trying to pop this hideous pimple."

You laughed at Ethan. "Well I've got something to tell you," you started. But as you began telling Ethan your news, he yawned and his arm went right up and slapped you in the nose. When he realized what he did, he covered his mouth and gasped with wide eyes. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit, you."

You nodded your head in understandment, "Is's otay" you muttered from behind your hand.


You and Grayson were wrestling on the bed for hours now. Already, you guys have had five rounds. The first three were won by Grayson, but since you were sick of him winning, you decided to actually fight back. Grayson was way stronger than you, so everyone you punched him, he would laugh and pin your arms down on the bed.

"Grayson!" You yelled as he say on top of you, "You're freakin' heavy dude!" Grayson laughed on top of you, causing a vibration, which hurt you more. You grunted underneath Grayson. He fell off of you and onto the carpeted floor.

You thought it was great time to pounce onto his back, so you rolled onto your arms and your feet, and jumped on Grayson's back as he began standing on two wobbly legs. As you landed on his back, Grayson lost balance and you both landed on the ground. You on the bottom, and Grayson on you. You squealed in pain as Gray lay on your arm.

"Oh my gosh," He yelled getting off of you, "I'm so so so sorry baby doll. I never meant to hurt you. Oh my god!"

"I'm sure it's fine babe."

A tear fell from your eye as you tried to move your now bruised arm. Grayson looked at it, seeing a large purple bruise run down your forearm. "Come on," he said picking you up,"I'm taking you to the hospital."

"I'm so sorry baby." Grayson kissed your forehead and grabbed the car keys from the table.

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