Song Preference: Somebody Else by: Charlee Drew

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Ethan~ Maybe we should do this somewhere else, anywhere your number five ain't all I smell..

"Ethan tell the truth!" You screamed through salty tears. They were coming down your face uncontrollably by the time you caught up to Ethan, who had stormed out of the bedroom and into the living room. He rubbed his face in a downward motion and his knees were practically knocking together. "Tell me damnit," you commanded through a clenched jaw.

Your face was red with running mascara. It was all his fault, you guys were supposed to be happy, to love one another...but he ruined it. You wrapped your sweaty fingers around his phone and squeezed it tightly against your hip.

cause when your close to me it's just too tough to tell, if I'm really losing you or just myself...

You held up his phone in your hand. You flashed a smirk across your mascara kissed face, your cheeks black from the smudges and streaks the tears trailed as they fell. "Lie to me." You unlocked his phone with your thumb print. He huffed, he had forgotten that you placed your thumb print on his phone. "You were too stupid to delete the messages." You hissed, "Lie."

"There's nothing to lie about." He shrugged his shoulders, nonchalant. "It should be obvious why," he looked at you, "You're boring, you're not keeping me happy anymore." You felt your face drop, your mouth opened slightly fighting to find words to say back.

it seems to that I've been watching while you slip away, the space between the sheets been growing on us everyday...

"I only did it because we're not the same anymore!" He yelled at you.

"We're not the same because you're cheating on me!" The tears began to well back up in your eyes. Your vision was blurred. Ethan grabbed your arm and shook you as if to wake you from a nightmare.

"Open your eyes (Y/N)!" You jerked away from his right grip, but he only pulls you back, "We haven't been the same for months now."

"Yes we have!" You fussed stubbornly. You began pounding his chest with your fists. He let go of you and pushed you back a little in defense. You slipped his phone from your pocket and launched it right across the room. Ethan ducked and it crashed against the wall behind him. The screen cracked into hundreds of pieces.

"I am the same! I was just a fling to you and you knew it from the beginning! You could've stopped me before I completely fell head over heals for you!" You shook your head with disappointment.

He nodded his head and threw his hands up in defense, "F*ck it, you want to know everything. I'll tell you everything."

just know I'm sorry and there's nothing you can change, there's something I just gotta say...

"What?" You almost screamed. Your body was shaking with anger. You were almost weak, you leaned over the dining room table and shot Ethan a glare. You didn't blink, "Tell me the truth." He sighed and looked away, "You know the truth." You laughed sarcastically, "I want to hear you say it, dumbass." He bit his bottom lip and answered, "There's somebody else..."

Grayson~ I tried to push it to the side but I'm too weak, she's been playing on my mind, you heard me say her name in my sleep...

Your friend stood among you and Grayson in the family room. You had your arms crossed over your chest and your hair was knotted and tangled from your sleep. You hand an angry glare on your face as you glanced between Grayson and your friend. Her hair was tossed around her head, and Grayson's was mussed from his night of fun.

"There had been something going on between you too for a while now!" You gasped as you realized the truth. Grayson wouldn't tell you, he was too afraid of losing you. And of course your friend wouldn't tell you either.

"I'm so sorry-" but you opened the palm of your hand and striked her across the face without thinking. She stumbled back and held her red cheek. "You're a slut!" You yelled pointing a finger at her, "You've been trying to steal Grayson ever since I met him!"

She shook her head rapidly disowning what you just said about her. She regained her strength and fought back for herself, "I didn't! You should've pleased him! I felt bad so I helped him out!"

You guffawed, "Bitch please." You walked up to her again about to strike, but Grayson pulled you away from your ex friend.

Grayson had been pleading with you for an hour now about how you shouldn't strike your best friend for what happened last night. He told you they had been drinking and it just kind of happened. You ignored his pleas and ended up smacking them both across the face. Your anger was more toward your friend. And surprisingly, you didn't cry like you thought you would.

So many times I know you thought that she was in the way, we never even spoken then but I was blown away...

"I can't believe you both," you snatched your hand away from Grayson and scoffed and then looked up to your ex friend, "You came to my house and had sex with my boyfriend." She looked down at her feet ashamed.

"Grayson, how long has this been going on?" You asked calmly.

"Just a month maybe," he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Why?" You squeaked, your throat began getting tight as you swallowed your sobs, "And now all of a sudden you guys decided to sleep together?"

"No," he shook his head, "We were drunk. If we weren't I wouldn't have done it."

"Just because you're not sleeping together doesn't mean you're not cheating, your talking to her on the phone all of the time, giving her your time instead of me. You knew you had feelings for her."

"I love you, I really do." He walked closer to you, "And I can't have both of you at the same time," you picked up the first object you saw and hurled it at his body. The book flew and landed against his chest with a thud sound. "Chill!" He yelled.

"Chill?" You asked in a cold tone. This time, he set you off...bad.

I know it's hard girl she's not the one to blame, I'm the one that's guilty of the chase...

"I think we need to break up." You told Grayson. He was sitting with you on the couch. The fight happened a week ago. You and Grayson had kept a distance from each other. You wanted to make things better, and so did he. But, sadly, your heart was shattered by what he did to you.

"Why?" He asked, his voice was low and filled with sadness.

"You broke my heart..." You covered your mouth as soft sobs escaped your parted lips. He shook his head, "We can fix this!" He tried touching you, but he hesitated and just stared at you.

"I never meant to break your heart, I'm just a dumb guy making dumb mistakes."

You nodded and sucked in a sharp breath, "And I think it's time to stop making dumb mistakes." He nodded his head sadly. His eyes became red and puffy as tears flooded his face. He didn't even bother to hold them back. He messed up really bad. You continued, "The dumb mistake is trying to take me back, even after what you did."

"Let me try and fix th-"

You stood up and stopped your foot  against the floor, "No, Grayson." He stood up next to you and tried grabbing you, but you leaned your shoulder back. "Grayson, we already figured this out last week." You pointed to his heart, "There's somebody else..."

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