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Who's the Early Bird and who's the Night Owl?
Grayson is the Early Bird while you are the Night Owl.

Who prefers to cook and who prefers to order out?
You prefer to cook and Grayson prefers to order pizza almost all the time.

Who likes taking the jogs and who likes to take the walks?
Grayson likes to take jogs but you prefer to take slow calming walks.

Who makes the jokes and who laughs?
Grayson makes the jokes and you laugh at them.

Who prefers kisses and who prefers hugs?
Grayson prefers the kisses while you think hugs are better.

Who wears the "If lost return to..." and who wears the "I am..." shirt?
Grayson wears the shirt that says "If lost return to (Y/n), and you wear "I am (Y/n).

Who cries and who comforts the other?
You cry and Grayson comforts you.

Who wears the "Sinner" shirt and who wear the "Angel" shirt?
You wear the "Sinner" shirt and Grayson wears the "Angel" shirt because he's a princess.

Who's loud and who's quiet?
Grayson is loud and you are quiet.

Who gets jealous?
You both get equally jealous.

Who's the protector of the other?
Grayson protects you.

Who's the introvert and who's the extrovert?
You are the introvert and Grayson is the extrovert.

Who screams at the bug and who gets rid of it?
Grayson screams at the bug and you have to get rid of it.

Who throws their clothes around and who picks it up and folds it?
Grayson throws his clothes around so you go behind him and put them away.

Who likes the showers and who likes the baths?
Grayson loves to take steamy showers while you love taking bubble baths.

Who prefers days outside in the summer while the other prefers snuggling in the winter?
Grayson prefers his days outside in the summer while you prefer to be snuggled with him in the winter.

Who is the book worm and who is the gaming geek?
You are the book worm and Grayson is the gaming geek.

Who wears the shorts and who likes the jeans?
You and Grayson both prefer shorts and pants.

Who prefers pop and who prefers R&B?
Grayson prefers pop music while you prefer R&B.

Who prefers healthy food and who wants to eat the sweets?
You prefer the healthy foods while Grayson would love to eat sweets all day.

Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon?
You are the big spoon and Grayson is the little spoon.

Who is the prankster and who gets pranked?
You and Grayson share being the prankster and being the pranked.

Who texts the other first?
You both text each other first on different days.

Who throws a rock at the window while the other one knocks at the door?
Grayson throws a rock at your bedroom window while you knock on his door.

Who is athletic and who is lazy?
Grayson is the athletic one amd you are more on the lazy side.

The Dolan Twins Imagines and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora