"I messed up." Part Two

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Ethan~ It had been weeks leading into a month since you made Ethan leave. Every day he had called you, only leading him to a voicemail. He left thirty voicemails in one day even. You never picked up the phone to check his voicemails either. You wanted nothing to do with him...or so you thought.

You missed Ethan, and you had to admit it to yourself. You missed that dyed streak of hair flashing past you as he walked the halls. You missed his weight shifting in the bed at night as you lie awake. You missed his voice, his laugh. Everything. You missed him.

You glanced over at your phone, but you didn't turn it on, and you didn't pick it up. Instead, you got up and tried to find something to get your mind off of Ethan. You stood in the kitchen with your back turned to the rest of the world when you heard someone clear their throat.

A loud yelp escaped your throat as you turned around revealing your boyfriend Ethan, only he didn't dye his hair and it was trimmed shorter than usual. You looked at him, you both stared each other straight in the eyes.

"Why?" Was the only thing you could say.

He lowered his head, "Princess, I admit it. I was wrong." He sighed, "I really miss you."

"Oh okay," you said as though you were not interested it what he had to say. You began to walk away from him but he pulled you back with a strong arm and held you close to him. You could feel his warm breath against your skin as he talked, "I messed up."

You nodded your head. He continued, "I messed up really bad. I really mean this from the bottom of my heart when I tell you that I apologize. I'm not sorry at all. Sorry isn't as strong a word as an apology. If I could I would take back everything that I said in there. If that means that I can come home to you, I'll tell everyone that I lied. I'll humiliate myself...tell me--" you put an index finger over his lips.

"Just shut up and kiss me. I forgive you." You pecked Ethan on the lips, but under one condition." He looked at you listening, "Anything for you."

You smirked, "No more sex...for now!" Then you ran into your bedroom with Ethan trailing behind you right on your heels.

Grayson~ You were staying with your parents for the past weeks since you left Grayson. There were text messages you didn't reply to, phone calls that you didn't answer, and sometimes he would even try to contact you through your parents.

Your mom kept babying you, telling you that you could find someone better than Grayson. And you knew that was a lie, Grayson was your everything and he still had your heart. You just couldn't believe he called you stupid and stubborn. Your dad told you that boys were dumb and they made stupid mistakes. And you knew that was right, because plenty of times before he made mistakes with your mom too.

This particular day, you were on the front lawn tending to your mom's roses when a truck pulled into the driveway. You were bent over watering the plants with a water hose. Beads of sweat dripped down your forehead, you wiped them away with your wrist.

"Hey," you heard from behind you. You stood up straight and took your dirty gloves off. The hose was still in your hand as you turned around to reveal that blonde streak of hair. It was Grayson. You sighed, "What do you want?"

"I want you back home with me." He held out his hand to grab yours.

"It's not that simple." You replied.

"What do I have to do?" He asked you. But he didn't wait for an answer. He got down on his knees and started begging for your forgiveness. You tried pulling him up as the neighbors and passing cars watched his little episode.

"Grayson," you pleaded with embarrassment, "get up now. You're making a scene."

Grayson stood up and looked you in the eyes and said, "I apologize for everything that has been happening between us. Especially when I called you stupid. You're very smart, I was just really upset that day and I took my anger out on you. That was the wrong thing to do." You nodded your head in agreement, "Really stupid of you."

Grayson replied, "I messed up."

You flashed him a hateful look, "Hell yeah you messed up."

Grayson huffed and threw his hands in the air, "Fine," he said, "You want to know why I was really being distant?" You nodded your head and started watering the lawn occasionally wetting Grayson's shoes...on purpose.

"I was gone because I was planning something for our anniversary next month. I thought you would like to go out and do something fun instead of cuddling up with me." He scratched the back of his neck. "I was out with my travel agent, and he helped me decide where I wanted to take you. I got a couple of friends to help me decide what the perfect date would be, and Cameron helped me with everything else. I swear I wasn't cheating on you."

You slowly turned around to face Grayson, his eyes were glassy and filled with a pleading look. Your heart crashed, "You were planning our anniversary this entire time?" He nodded his head and you leaped into his arms, "I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating. I love you so much!" You smashed your lips into his hard. His arms wrapped around the small of your back and squeezed tight.

"Come on," you said, "let's go home. I gotta make this up to you." You walked over to the truck, leaned against it and winked your eye.

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