"I messed up." Part One

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Ethan~ You slammed the door behind you forcefully and locked it behind you. You couldn't believe what you heard the guys talking about in the living room, it was so embarrassing. So embarrassing you refused to show your face while they were visiting Ethan.

You flopped on your stomach and shoved your head into a pillow and held back tears of anger and screams. Ethan basically put your business out and he didn't even hesitate to hold back his answers.

You and Ethan had been dating for a year and a couple of months now. You both finally thought it was time to take the next step together, and you both did. But now when you look back on it you realized it was a big mistake.

There was a knock on your door and you stood in front of it with your arms crossed. "What do you want Dolan?" You asked him. On the other side Ethan said, "The guys wanna talk to you." You rolled your eyes and kicked the door hard, "Go away Ethan! I'm not in the mood to even see you!"

He tried opening the door but he couldn't because you locked it. You could hear the smile on his face fade with his words. "Wait, babe, please let me in?" You already knew that he understood what he did wrong. You unlocked the door and let him in, once the door was closed behind him you sat on the foot of your bed and crossed your arms tightly over your chest.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"No," you said sharply, "don't ask me whats wrong because you already know what you did." You eyed him with cold (y/e/c) eyes. "You embarrassed me in front of your friends. How could you talk about me like that?"

Ethan took a step closer to you and reached out to touch your shoulder but you jerked back and he missed. He looked down at you and sighed. "Look I'm sorry." He sat down next to you and grabbed your hands.

"Sorry doesn't mean shit Ethan Dolan," you spat out his name like venom, "now get out!" You pointed to the door, he didn't even say a word. He just left.

Grayson~ "Grayson?" You asked shyly as you crept up to him sitting on the couch. He was staring at the television flipping through channels, so you stood in front of the screen and took the remote. You turned the tv power off and sat next to him.

"What?" He asked in a bored and tired tone.

Your hands were shaking and you were trying to keep calm, otherwise you'd either be yelling or you'd be crying. "You've been distant lately." He glared at you darkly and shrugged, "So?"

Grayson's attitude was never this bad before. The past week he had been gone all day and he would only come home to watch tv, get on the computer, or go to bed. He wouldn't give you any kisses or hugs. Only one thing kept coming to your mind, out of a hundred possibilities, you picked cheating. Could he be cheating on you?

"So Grayson?" You asked in confusion. "You're gone all of the time now, we're barely with each other anymore. Is there something you need to tell me?"

Grayson leaned into the cushions on the couch and sighed heavily with irritation. He mumbled something under his breath and rubbed his face in a downward motion. Just from his actions, you knew he was very irritable.

"What do you want me to tell you (Y/N)?"

"Are you seeing someone else? Are you bored of me or something?" You stood up from your place on the couch and clenched your hands into fists, "If you are, tell me to my face! Don't let me sit here anymore waiting for you to come home when I'm your second choice!"

Grayson stood up in front of you and pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut for a brief moment, "What are you talking about? I'm not cheating on you whatsoever!" You scoffed, "You're lying Grayson. The signs are there!" You fought.

"What signs?" Grayson was so loud he almost practically yelled at you.

"You're on your phone all day, you're always out, you're always coming home tired, you don't kiss me anymore!" Your eyes drowned in the years threatening to run down your face, "Grayson, just tell me the truth!"

"I am, you're just too stupid and stubborn to listen to me! This is why I can't stand you sometimes!" His eyes got as wide as quarters when he finished his sentence. You covered your mouth and bit at your bottom lip. "Fine Grayson." With those words, you grabbed your car keys and your coat and headed out of the door.

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