Hogging The Covers

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Ethan~ You shivered awake, the window was closed, but you were still cold and then you noticed that the warm blanket had wiggled its way off of your shoulders and down to your waist. You reached to your waist to pull up the blanket when you noticed that Ethan had been balled up in the fluffy blanket. You yanked a corner from him and pulled it back over your body. You snuggled warmly under the blanket. Ethan looked at you through squinted eyes, "What are you doing?" He asked in a groggy voice. You rolled your eyes, "You took all of the blankets." He rolled on his side, his back now facing you. You felt a tug at the blanket as you were falling asleep slowly. Ethan snatched the covers from you and continued lightly snoring. You wiped your face in a downward motion, "Ethannn!" You whined. This was going to be a long cold night.

Grayson~ "Give me the covers!" Grayson yelled at you. He came rushing from the bedroom in basketball shorts. You hurried to the couch and wrapped yourself up in the two blankets you took from him. The weather was getting colder everyday and you didn't have a robe to wear so you took all of Grayson's covers. He rushed to you and yanked the blankets tossing you to the floor by a mistake. You were trying to get up but you were still tangled in the covers. Grayson climbed on top of you and kissed the tip of your nose, "Serves you right for stealing all the warmth."

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