You Have An Eating Disorder

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Ethan~ Bulimia

Ethan wasn't stupid, especially when it came to you. He caught you doing it once, twice, too many times for his liking. At first, he just thought you maybe had too much. The second time, he thought it was a phase maybe. The third time was enough for him.

You acted fine in front of him, you would smile and eat. But behind closed doors you were a reck, and he knew that especially.

He peered through your bedroom door after you had finished eating pizza for dinner. You ran to the bathroom leading Ethan to think you had to pee, but he knew what was really going on. He kept his eye on you the entire time, he watched as you grabbed your tooth brush and take the end of it to put down your throat. He watched you gag and gag until it all finally came up. Your body was hunched over the toilet, the tooth brush fell from your hand as you got sick.

He was finished, he stormed into the bathroom with a red face. You turned around to look behind you, tears streamed your face as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. He shook his head and came crashing down on his knees in front of you. "Please." He cried into your neck. He pulled you away from the toilet and you both huddled in a corner.

"I'm so sorry Ethan," you grabbed his shirt and balled your eyes out, "I meant to tell you, I just was scared..."

"You gotta stop." He mumbled. You nodded your head, "Can you help me?" He looked at you and kissed your forehead, "Of course, we'll get you into therapy and I'll help you with everything you need until you don't need it anymore."

"Thank you." You said in a low voice.

"Hey," he said, "I love you."

Grayson~ Anorexia Nervosa

He could see it. He could see it in the way you looked, by the way you acted. He could see how you were always tired and how you never wanted to go outside. He could see how your clothing sizes went down too many inches. He could see how your weight loss took an enormous decrease. He noticed your thigh gap, and how your breast got smaller, and how your rip cage began showing. He didn't like this version of you at all.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" Grayson asked you as he watched you fumble with your pasta. You just simply shrugged your shoulders and sighed heavily. He was taking that as an answer, so he pushed his plate away. He used so much force that it fell to the floor and shattered. It scared you so you jumped in your seat.

"Gray..." Your voice was weak.

"Tell me why you're doing this." He pleaded.

You shook your head, "Eat." You pushed your plate towards him and he slid it back in front of you. "Tell me why I should eat when I have to sit here and watch you starve yourself." A tear slid down your cheek, "Grayson, I don't like talking about this."

"And I hate seeing you do this to yourself!" He yelled.

"Grayson..." was all you managed to say.

"Look, babe," he grabbed your boney hand from act the table, "I love you way too much to see you like this. If you don't want to tell me why you're doing this...then It's fine. I already know why." Your eyes welled with tears as he continued to talk, "Forget about those girls at school. They don't matter, what they say doesn't matter. I love you so so so much, and even if you were 1,000 pounds I would still love you the same. I love you for who you are...not for what you look like."

You flashed him a small smile. Everything that those girls said about you faded, it wasn't your priority to be who they wanted to be. You wanted to be Grayson would love you. "Well," you said wiping your tears, "Can I get some help?"

Grayson smiled, "I'll take you to the doctors in the morning, but right now, just please eat half at least."

He got you one step closer to being better.

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