The Morning After

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Ethan~ You would roll onto your side and see that Ethan would already be staring at you. He would have a small smile on his face when he saw that you were awake. His hair would be a mess, and he would yawn quietly. "Good morning princess." He would say. And you would simply say, "Last night was fun." Then he would chuckle at you, causing you to giggle and snuggle against his chest.

Grayson~ The morning after, you would sit in bed and think about what events occured last night. Grayson would have his head pressed against your bare chest, and his slow breathes would tickle your chest. He would stay asleep a little longer than he normally would. Then when you got bored of being awake on your on, you would stroke his head and shower him with kisses, waking him up with a smile. And he would ask, "How are you feeling?" And you would tell him about that little pain between your legs, but other than that you felt great.

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